54. Coming clean

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I reach out to hug my sister but she recoils . My throat goes dry ,something is definitely wrong .

She plays with the stretched elastic around one of my old hoodies . Carter ambles downstairs from my room and takes a seat besides me on the coach. I watch my sister fidget and say nothing . Carter lays his hand on my thigh and squeezes gently  .

"You need to tell us what's wrong ,so we can help ." I push and try  cross this wall she's built up . She looks up at me and glances nervously at me then back at Carter .

"L , I'm your best friend. "He sighs when she gives him this look.

"I'm pregnant. "I look to her abdomen and almost burst into a flit of laughter .

"How far long?" Carter canf seriously believe her . I snort accidently and the attention is on me .

London stands up and lifts my untidy hoodie up revealing a little bump . Her lower belly is slightly swollen .

"14 weeks ." She sniffs choking back tears . My eyes widen and my breath hitches . I look up at her to find her staring at Carter who sits quietly besides me . His hand no longer rests on my thigh . The two exchange a look as if telepathically communicating . Then she burst out into tears and Carter stands up abruptly.  He doesn't spare any of us a glance and marches for the door .

"Carter wait -" She starts but he slams the door . We hear the rumble of the motorcycle before we even reach the doorknob .

Why did he react like that ?

"Paris , I'm so sorry ." She chokes on air as she reaches for me. What is happening ? My eyes water out of frustration .

"Why are you apologising?" I retract from her touch . She looks me deep into my eyes . I see myself in hers and I finally understand . The realisation knocks the breath out of me . This can't be . I mean a knew they -

But, this can't be right ?

"How long have you known ?" The tears stream down my cheeks fast . She fidgets . My chest tightens . This can't be happening .

"Before ,I left I took a test . He was the last person I'd been with so his their dad . "I knew about the party . She'd said she'd woken up next to him- I can't breath.  I'm not mad because as I'm saying I knew but ...

"Wait- their ?" She steps towards me  and I take a step back .

"It's twins ." She croaks . Well shoot me dead . I can't.  I just can't for once have something, someone that is mine . We were so happy . This complicates everything.  My chest tightens and everything goes blurry . I clutch for the breakfast nook and steady myself . I'm going to pass out . London rocks on her feet as she watches me catch my breath . I burry my head in my hands .

"I don't think I want to keep them ." I don't even respond ; I need to be alone with my thoughts right now. I take careful steps ignoring her pleas as I make my way to my room. I take a seat on my bed and take all this in. Let's get this straight.

My boyfriend is my twin sister's baby daddy . My boyfriend impregnated my twin before we started dating. They were both drunk . London is back . London is pregnant . She doesn't want to keep the babies . Carter is gone .

I break down again . Everything my sister has ever done to me comes crushing down onto me and all I feel is rage . Angry tears roll down my cheeks and I throw myself off my bed . I march downstairs to find her sitting on the coach staring at nothing. She turns to me when she hears my foot steps . I demand her attention when I throw the vase that rests on the side table to the floor . She winces and stands up walking to me .

"You're so selfish !" I scream at her . A fresh batch of tears roll down her cheeks in the wake of the old one's trails .

"Everything has to be about you London !" I tug at my hair .

"You're the perfect twin ." She throws back at me.

"How ?" I step towards her . She backs away until her back reaches the wall.

"You've always judged me for being me.i don't even -no ! I didn't know who I was until I was with Carter. But , look you've taken that too!" She steps off the walls and points an angry finger at me.

"He was mine first ." She pokes me .

"Why would even want you? Look at you , and plus I'm carrying his children so I think I have the upper end . And , mum and dad are going to get their first grandchildren from me ." A sadistic smile crosses her face . I think she is clinically bipolar.  I ignore her words but the little me records them to replay them for me when I'm vulnerable.

"Is this what this is ? A competition! London! You win , you always because you play -" Her palm connects with my cheek . She just slapped me ! I clutch my flaming cheek as it stings . She smirks at me from above .

"Little , old fatty Paris ." She mocks me , memories of our sixteenth birthday flash in my mind . The tears fall  faster .

"When did you become like this ? We used to be so close ." That all ended so long ago . We were so little .

"I have standards , and you don't touch the minimum . Maybe that is why your boyfriend told you he'd found someone better ." She cackles . My life flashes before me , every little memory of my torment replay . I feel myself slowly getting sucked in . I know it's late , but right now I think the only person I want to see is Carter .

Carter wouldn't want to see me like this . I suck in a jaggered breath and walk towards the rack where the car keys dangle . London watches me as I clutch them between my hands .

"Run and hide like you always do..." I close the house door and unlock the car .

I call Kalem and he answers on the second ring.

"Pah-is!" I exhale the breath I was holding.  Carter hasn't answered any if my calls .

"Is Carter home ?"

"No, are you okay ?" He asks concern in his voice .

"Do you know where he could be . He was pretty upset , I can't really explain why right now . I just need to know if you know where he could be ." I say it all in a rush .

"If he is really upset I have a hunch his smoking or drinking at Dex's." I groan , the bar is like a ten minute drive . I hope you're not there.

"Thanks ." I cut the call and make a u-turn . My stomach turns as I speed down the road . My head is pounding , I guess from all the crying and screaming . I curse when I see the snake like traffic ahead of me. My fingers tap the steering wheel anxiously . Please be okay.

I sigh when I see a familiar motorcycle parked outside Dex's . I'm relieved but stressed . I stop at the red light as I watch a familiar figure wobble out the bar doors. The light turns green and I accelerate.  Our eyes meet , the world stops and the tears start again.  However , I don't make it across towards him ...

An: there is like two chapters left of this book .

I'm sad .

What are your thoughts on Carter being London's baby daddy ???

Plot twist have you surprised?



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