Chapter 52

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052 The virtual brain has an accident

    On the night of the sixth day of product safety monitoring, something happened to the virtual brain.

    The 100 volunteers who participated in the test, as usual, logged into the wristbands on the same day, manipulated the virtual characters transformed by spiritual power, and had a safe experience in the last virtual trial square.

    Since no problems were encountered in the previous tests, the vital signs of the volunteers stabilized after they entered the virtual world, and the monitors who stood aside to record the data did not find any abnormalities until late at night.

    The reason is that the 100 people tested did not exit the virtual world all day.

    The testing worker who was responsible for recording the data that night, hurriedly contacted the volunteers through the brain terminal, and the result was that everyone's mental power was trapped inside and could not get out.

    Lu Ruanruan and Huo Jingwen got the news almost at the same time, and the research institute is already in chaos.

    As the main architect and chief engineer of the virtual brain project, the two had an accident in a scientific research product and involved the lives of a hundred people. Accountability is almost the first to bear the brunt.

    On the night when the call was made, Lu Ruanruan and Huo Jingwen were at the Water Polo Star Beach Hotel, and tomorrow was their wedding.

    The wedding location was set at the most beautiful bay in the water polo star. Huo Jingwen chose the location and time himself, but Lu Ruanruan came to arrange the arrangement himself.

    She set the wedding site on the beach of the bay, with blue sky and blue sea during the day, fiery red burning clouds, and golden sandy beach. At night, Lu Ruanruan prepared "lh" fireworks and bonfires.

    Even the wedding fireworks were dragged by her and replaced with "lh", the abbreviation of their names.

    Lu Ruanruan said to Huo Jingwen: "I want you to see love when you look up."

    Because she can only give it once.

    Hanging up the emergency call from the research institute, Lu Ruanruan did not show any surprise. The expected frame-up was six days later than she expected.

    Lu Ruanruan adjusted his facial expression, spread out on the sofa, looked up at the boundless sea outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, a mocking smile flickered on the corner of his lips.

    [Congratulations, all. ]

    System: [What? 】

    【Tomorrow the heroine will seek her own death】. Lu Ruanruan: 【Are you happy? ]

    [...] The system didn't speak. After a long silence, it broke out: 【Do you have some kind of disease? can i be happy If your mission fails, will I be alone? Get bored, destroy it. 】

    Lu Ruanruan said slowly: 【The tone is so excited, it doesn't look like you. Acting cannot be overdone. 】

    The system choked: 【Can't you understand human speech? ]

    [You are not human at all. 】Lu Ruanruan's tone was slack, making the system mad.

    She paused for a moment: [Everything, tonight may be the last time we chat, take it easy. 】

    The system took a deep breath and remained silent.

    Lu Ruanruan smiled lowly to herself, as if telling herself: [How about you, you always talk like this, inconsistent, and like to brainwash me with illogical words. Your system holds great malice towards me. ] The

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