Chapter 64

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064 End Times (10)

    After dealing with the corpses of the zombies, Lu Ruanruan was not in a hurry to go out to collect crystal nuclei.

    Due to the dangerous incident of zombies breaking into the door in the morning, Lu Ruanruan took the hardware box and planned to add an additional lock to the anti-theft door.

    When she opened the hardware box, smashed the wall, and nailed the nails, the man leaned against the wall, with a sweet and obedient smile on his lips from beginning to end.

    He didn't speak, just stared at her and smiled, his eyes seemed to be looking at some hero who saved the world, full of bizarre admiration.

    Being stared at, Lu Ruanruan's heart was frightened, he glanced at him hesitantly, tentatively handed the door lock in his hand to Shi Jing, raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you want to try?" The

    man shook his head resolutely, seeing her Looking at it, the eyes seemed to be jumping with a ray of bright broken light.

    "My sister can do this kind of physical work." He said in a low voice, "In the future, my sister will support the family, and I... will do the housework..." The

    man's deer-like eyes flickered, and his body didn't look weak, but It makes people feel a sense of protection from the inside out for no reason. It is

    no exaggeration to say that anyone who stands in front of him at this moment will have a soft heart.

    Lu Ruanruan withdrew his gaze, and the urge to make him cry again appeared in his heart strangely.

    She frowned involuntarily and remained silent for a moment.

    He asked casually, "What do you think I look like?" The

    topic changed so quickly, Shi Jing's eyes flashed with confusion.

    Rao is usually observant, and with a female A like Ling Yao who doesn't play cards according to the rules, it is often more difficult to guess the other party's thoughts than to kill a level 10 zombie.

    Shi Jing suppressed the excess emotion in his eyes, raised the corners of his lips, blushed, and hesitantly said: "Pretty... my sister is prettier than everyone else, and my voice and smile live in my heart."

    "Isn't the voice and smile to describe the dead? .”

    If another person blows this kind of rainbow fart, Lu Ruanruan has already slapped the opponent's face.

    But the words came out of Yan Shi's mouth. The man's blue eyes were like a cloudless sky, and he couldn't see the slightest exaggeration and greasiness.

    Lu Ruanruan didn't quite understand before, how can a grown man who is 1.86 meters tall be so clean.

    Until this moment, I thought of a possibility.

    He looks too clean, like a crisp hibiscus flower, everyone will subconsciously take care of him when they see him.

    So much so that he was spoiled like a child.

    Think of everyone on the bright side, so the eyes will be clear and flawless. .

    A kind hearted person sees beauty in everything.

    I have to admit that facing such a simple-minded person, even Lu Ruanruan would not classify him as a greasy sycophant.

    However, it doesn't matter that he is greasy, Lu Ruanruan has no obligation to protect his innocence personally.

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