A Visit To Budapest

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JJ appears behind a large tree on the wide sidewalk, still holding Elena in his arms. The girl, a bit dazed from the teleportation, looks at him in wonder.

Elena: Why here and not inside?

JJ: I'll tell you.

He sets her down at her feet and she looks around curiously. Heavily dressed in caps and scarves, men and women, walk slowly with their huge dogs, while young people, probably students, run incessantly, carrying heavy books and big backpacks.

Cars of all sizes and colors constantly cross the main street. The buildings in the area are mostly traditional apartment buildings with small balconies with ornate railings.

Except for the tree that provided cover for JJ and Elena's sudden appearance out of nowhere, there are trees like this every hundred yards along the sidewalk with trash and recycling garbage cans in between

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Except for the tree that provided cover for JJ and Elena's sudden appearance out of nowhere, there are trees like this every hundred yards along the sidewalk with trash and recycling garbage cans in between.

The sun is shining because it's noon, but the temperature is pretty low. Not that it would bother our heroes.

 Not that it would bother our heroes

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Elena: That's it then. This is what our dear Maggie chose instead of our magnificent penthouse. Well ... It sucks!

JJ: You're not right about that. Budapest is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe and this neighborhood is one of the best. Traditional and modern at the same time. I like it very much. Maggie has always had good and refined taste.

Elena: If that were true, then she wouldn't leave my brother.

JJ: She didn't leave him, Elena.

Elena: You know what? I'm not going to start this conversation with you right now. I've something to do.

Elena walks towards the door of the apartment building, but JJ stops her before she can enter.

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