Greed Is The Worst Sin

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Margaret: No! No! Not you! No!

A painful, deafening silence falls around them. Even the crows stop crowing in support of the two parents watching their daughter fall so low. Tears come from Chloe's eyes, while Jared can barely hold them back. He looks at his daughter with a crestfallen expression on his face. A knot tightens his throat so that the words coming out of his mouth are barely audible.

 A knot tightens his throat so that the words coming out of his mouth are barely audible

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Jared: In all your life, your mother and I have never refused you anything. What you asked for was an order for us and you ... All we asked was that you not embarrass us, and that's exactly what you did. Why, Maggie?

Margaret: Dad ... I can explain.

Jared: Explain what, exactly? That you betrayed all of us? That you tried to destroy us? That you allied yourself with a filthy vampire? Or that you killed a man in cold blood?

Margaret: Daddy, please!

Jared: No! Not this time! I don't recognize you. You're not my daughter. You're not my little girl anymore.

While Margaret talks to her father, Frederick realizes that the game is lost. He decides that his revenge isn't worth losing his life and tries to do what he has always done, escape. But this time he doesn't have Rebecca by his side and as he takes a step back to run as far away as he can, a vine shoots out of the ground and wraps around his body, immobilizing him.

He tries to escape, but the more he moves, the tighter the vine wraps around him. He turns his head, the only part of his body that can still move, and sees the person behind it, who is of course Damon, staring wildly at him.

At that moment, Margaret's attitude changes and her true self emerges. When she was talking to Jared, she had dropped to her knees and her face had an apologetic expression. But now she stands up and wipes the dust off her knees. Her face takes on an expression of superiority that she had as a child.

She looks one by one at the members of the pack who have always protected her and filled her with love. She looks at them all in the same way, but when her gaze falls on Alice, her face becomes filled with anger and she assumes an attack posture, hissing menacingly.

Damon: Don't even think about it!

Damon pushes Alice behind him, while Elena and Nicolae gather around her in a defensive position. Margaret, seeing that physical force isn't an option, activates her power and sends Alice a particularly ugly and painful hallucination, but it shatters against the protective wall Damon's blood has built in her mind.

Her eyebrows furrow and a large wrinkle forms on Margaret's forehead, but Alice remains unaffected. Margaret's concentration is broken by Damon's eye roll.

Damon: Really, Maggie? A hallucination? Did you think I was going to bring her here unprotected?

Margaret: What the hell did you do and it's not working?

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