Together Again

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As can be understood, Elena's last statement sows panic among them. Panic coupled with a bit of excitement. After all, everyone missed the elders. Especially the trolls of the pack. Oh, yeah! I'm talking about Jace and Matt.

But not everyone is happy about the arrival of the parents. Damon and Alice look at each other with worried eyes for exactly the same reason. Let's find out this reason ...

Damon takes Alice's hand and leads her out into the garden. The strong light falling on the towering trees casts strange shadows on the damp grass. Strange shadows that would frighten any human, but not Alice.

She's not afraid of shadows, but she's not afraid of the dark either. In fact, I'd say the opposite. She loves the darkness. That's what attracted her to Damon in the first place. The darkness in him.

Because the cold is bitter, she nestles her body against his and "borrows" some of his warmth, which was the second thing that attracted her to him. She hates the cold. Does she remind you of anyone in particular?

They sit on one of the wooden benches.

Alice: What are we going to do now?

Damon: I don't know.

Alice: Maybe they won't come.

Damon: You heard Elena. They're all coming.

Alice: You'll think I'm stupid, but I'm a little shy about facing them.

Alice: You'll think I'm stupid, but I'm a little shy about facing them

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Damon: I feel the same way. Shame. But also, sadness. Jared is like a second father to me and I'm going to tell him to his face that his daughter betrayed us all.

Alice: He's going to be heartbroken. Not to mention how Chloe will feel.

Damon: Damn it, Maggie! I'm so angry at her for putting me in this shitty position.

Alice: What could she possibly want?

Damon: She wants to destroy us.

Alice: We're not going to let that happen, are we? We're going to stop her, aren't we?

Damon: Yes, baby. Don't be afraid. Whatever happens, you'll be safe.

Alice: I'm not worried about me.

Damon chuckles.

Damon: I'd have expected you to say just that.

Alice: Why do you say that?

Damon: Because that's the answer of all the females in the pack.

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