Book Of The Damned

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After the bistro, Damon, and Elena each went his own way. He ran to Nicolae at the clinic, while she went to the company to talk to JJ, who in turn informed his father. The matter is too serious for Stefan and the others to stay out of it.

Besides, they need wise advice on how to deal with Margaret, and the best person to do that is the professor of the pack. Of course, they've kept the elders in the dark. At least for the moment.

So, after a few months, the second and third generations gather for a meeting.



Although once again a new threat hovers over their heads, threatening the well-being of the pack, our heroes are happy to be back together in the same room as before. Of course, the parents aren't there, but until they know more about what this is all about, they'd better stay out of it.

JJ is lying on the couch with his head on Artemis' lap, who is lovingly stroking his hair. Stefan is sitting next to them with his arm around her shoulders. Johnny and Lucida sit in the big armchair, while Jason and Cecilia squat in front of the burning fireplace.

Matty and Eva sit on the other couch, while Damon, the only one standing, paces, trying to fight the urge to find this Elliot and torture him until he reveals everything he knows. Nicolae, sitting on the divan with Elena, senses this urge in his cousin and rushes over to calm him down.

Nicolae: Calm down, Damon. Torture isn't the answer. At least not yet.

Damon: Get the hell out of my head!

Nicolae: Not if you don't calm down.

Nicolae: Not if you don't calm down

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Damon: You're not helping me, Nic.

Johnny: Hey, you two! What now? Are you going to keep fighting, or are you going to do us the favor of telling us the reason for this secret meeting?

Stefan: I asked for it. There's a problem we need to solve and the only one who can find the solution is you, buddy.

Stefan turns to Jason, who looks at him questioningly.

Jason: Me? Why me?

JJ: Because you, my dear godfather, after Uncle Alex, are the one who knows the lore better than all of us.

JJ: Because you, my dear godfather, after Uncle Alex, are the one who knows the lore better than all of us

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