If The Child Survives, There Is Hope

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After the break, it's Jace's turn, but before he can enter the dance floor, Luna stops him by grabbing his arm. He turns and looks at her with a questioning smile.

Jace: What's going on, Luna?

Luna: Forgive me for being so bold, Mr

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Luna: Forgive me for being so bold, Mr. Harronate, but may I sing with you? The song you're about to sing has spoken directly to my heart ever since I met Nic. I don't know why that is. It's something inside me. Unless Mrs. Harronate objects.

Mary, who has already overheard the whole conversation, smiles kindly at Luna. She immediately took a liking to the girl, understanding that this something inside her that Luna is talking about is nothing but her instinct leading her to the truth. Mary is sure that this girl is the Mary to her son's Jace and she's very happy about it, because although she has a soft spot for Stefan because he's her first child, Nicolae is her little miracle. Besides, you remember exactly how he came to life, don't you?

 Besides, you remember exactly how he came to life, don't you?

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Mary: Mrs. Harronate has absolutely nothing against it, my dear. But I just want you to call me like all the other children.

Luna: What?

Elena: Mama Mary. We call her Mama Mary because she's the reason we're all here.

Luna: I don't understand anything, but I'll try.

Mary: You'll understand, honey, when Nic explains it to you.

Luna looks at Jace expectantly.

Jace: I'd love to sing together, but only if you start calling me by my name.

Luna: Since I'm still having a hard time with that, can we agree on "Mr. Jace"?

Jace: Deal. Let's go now.

Jace takes Luna by the hand and they go to the dance floor. Nicolae, who has overheard the conversation from afar, sits down next to his mother, who hugs him tenderly.

Nicolae: I thank you for the way you treat Luna.

Mary: We're not doing this out of a sense of duty, baby. We really like this girl. She's such a good match for you.

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