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"The next stop will be at Tsubasa Beach. till then passengers are requested to remain seated, Thank you."

The computerized announcer's voice stirred up the seventeen-year-old from his deep slumber. He quickly fished out the mobile phone from his pocket and dabbed the front screen twice which activated an AI assistant.

"Time." The boy asserted hastily. "Forty-eight minutes past eight, JST." It responded back which made him let out a frustrated sigh.

It wasn't the first record for Harua to miss his bus stop and be late for school. But it was definitely the first time he went thirty kilometers past his hometown.

At the very next stop, The raven black-haired boy stepped down from the bus carefully. He had to catch a bus or a cab back to Adachi city.

Harua opened his backpack and picked out the folded cane. Soon the teen strolled ahead, unaware of the hindrances in front of him.

"Your destination, Tsubasa taxi terminal, is on the left." The automated spokesperson guided the blind boy.

He sensed that the place he was in wasn't that crowded and he could also hear the beach tides thudding against the gravel. Harua walked forward a bit more until he felt his leg being oozed into the beach sand.

"Uh...excuse me? Anyone here?" He enquired while stumbling to stand on the puddle of sand, somehow the boy got a plank-like structure to balance him on. Harua sighed in relief but it didn't last long as he heard a loud eardrum-bursting scream.


Note : the story is set in modern day Japan.

Finally one more fix from my big brain lol~
Hope ya all like it plse vote and comment! <33

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