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"Why did you push him down, Aiko!" Her father spoke up with a subtle rebuke. "You terrified me! That's why…" Aiko pouted and looked down in guilt.

"I'm ok Mr. Hamada, I'm not hurt. Please don't scold Aiko." Harua beamed and bowed slightly in gratitude. "Aw…what a nice kid," The aged man chortled and ruffled the latter's head. "I approve of your boyfriend!"


Aiko just wanted to split the earth into two and jump. On the other hand, Harua was cracking up so hard, like he was watching a sitcom.

"That's too sad. He is cute and well mannered, youngsters like him are rare!" Aiko's dad complemented which made the latter embarrassed as he kept bowing politely. 

"Stop embarrassing him dad, just go I will get home soon," Aiko reacted and pushed him jokingly out of the small tent. He refused to go at first and then he realized that he left the cooker on the stove back at home. Aiko was glad and sent him back home.

 "Your dad is a nice man," Harua asserted when he felt her presence inside the tent again. "He is, everyone says I look and behave like him." She replied and sat near the boy as their shoulders were brushing against each other. "I'm happy people like you guys exist, Thanks for treating me like I'm an ordinary guy." That made Aiko feel contented and she softly patted his back in response. 

Both of them enjoyed a moment of quietness until Aiko decided to break it.

"Why did you want to be my friend?"

Harua shifted around towards her even if his eyes were on something else. "You never made me feel like my world was in darkness, you helped me to create a beautiful fallacy of hues, you helped me to see without eyes…" The back-haired boy chuckled softly and continued. "I trust you, trust makes friendships. I thought we could have one." 

Aiko was tight-lipped and at the same time touched to the end of her heart. After a long time, she felt like she was wanted and worth living. Without thinking much about the pros and cons, Aiko embraced the latter tightly. Harua didn't waver to hug her back and he sank into her fervor.

"I will be your friend, but promise me that you will never get hurt and take care of yourself."

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