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"Huh? How dare you ruin my precious art?!" The girl sounding around his age ranted, implying the framework he was standing on. 

Harua quickly stepped down and bowed considerable times in the opposite direction of where she actually was.

She observed the panicking guy who was making a fool out of himself by bowing and apologizing to absolutely nobody. 

"Hello? Miss? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to step on it." He kept talking as the painter girl conceded one thing.

He can't see.

"I'm here, turn around one eighty degrees." She mumbled and poked lightly on his back. Soon the boy veered around and confronted her. "I apologize, how can I compensate you?"

The wavy brown-haired female eyed him to an extent and cracked up lightly. "You sound cute, that's why I'm letting you off the hook." 

"Eh?" The latter faltered because of the abrupt compliment from the stranger. "Just kidding, take this if you are genuinely sorry." She tossed one of her paintings to him which luckily landed exactly in his hands.

"Oh…sure, how much for it?" He asked as he fished out the wallet.  But by that time the female was already gone.

Harua stood there unmoving, utterly baffled by the stranger's demeanor.  Suddenly he heard a car honking beside him. "Sir, please get in."

"I didn't hail a cab…?" He answered unsurely. "That young miss hailed it for you, she also paid the fare back to Adachi."

The youngster was perplexed once more. But furthermore, he was late for school so what he could care about was how to get back to school quickly. Harua got into the cab while clutching the painting tightly to his chest.

That girl was surely bizarre but he felt like he should thank her for the taxi as well as the painting she gifted him.

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