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"You make braille arts?"

"Yes I do, mostly portraits of people." The brown-haired girl replied while facing the boy who was an absolute delight. "So the painting you gifted-"

"It's one of my dearests, you should figure it out yourself." Harua nodded and smiled widely.  "What's your name?'

"Took you so long!" She laughed for the umpteenth time. "Aiko, the little beloved!"

"That's a good name." He replied still with his smile unfading. "I'm Harua, Nice to meet you, Aiko." The brown-eyed lad extended his hand to shake with the latter. She clasped his hand without much reluctance, "nice to meet you too Harua!"

"I guess we are the same age," she added. "High school senior I guess?"

"Yes I am, I'm glad! we could be friends then." Harua made a reply cheerfully while still holding onto her hand. "Nope, I have to disagree with that. I ain't exactly the friendly type." Aiko shook her head and retracted her hand from his.

"I don't think so, you are genuinely likable Aiko." He affirmed while being unable to distinguish what she was feeling right there. "I think you should go, Harua. It's already too late for school."

The teen didn't hang around for long, he apprehended she might need some time for whatever the cause was. He knew something triggered her.

Harua returned back to school as Aiko was in her usual place. She scrutinized the empty highway in front of her, it made her want to utter profanity about how empty it was and wasn't full of speeding vehicles.

"Friends? He must be fooling. What did I get myself into again…"

Aiko sighed at her idiocy. She shouldn't have been involved with him, but she could help but let her inquisitiveness take over her sanity. She hoped he wouldn't show up again. But at the same time, she wanted him to.

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