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I will come back after school, the luggage will be here by noon, one of my friends will help with that." Harua finished off as soon as he stepped out of her house.

It was early in the morning, the haze was still up like a veil around the drowsy sky. After a long twilight of actualities and truths, the teenagers nailed on to one conclusion. 

Move forward together. 

Be each other's eyes.

Aiko smiled very gently and drove close to the black-haired boy. "I will be waiting for you to come back, I love you so much Harua." She mumbled and found herself tucked in his warm embrace.

Harua kissed the top of her head and then her forehead, thereafter his lips found the tip of her nose which finally dismounted on her tandem of soft lips.

It was a quick peck but held a quagmire of pure and serene sentiments.  Every divergence of love and devotion was incarcerated deep inside every action of theirs.

"I love you too, Aiko…"

"It's raining too much right?" 

One of his classmates remarked which made him notice the noise of the heavy shower hitting the paved lane below. Harua loved the rain, it made him feel at ease.

He stood up and made his way toward the nearest window. The sightless boy stretched his hand to deem the raindrops.

"I'm missing you already Aiko…"

"Oi! Is this for real!?"

"I can't believe it-"

The comments altered the teenager's attention to the group of students encircling a mobile phone.

Harua was inquisitive and approached them gradually. "What's happening Jo?" He asked as he sensed one of his pals in the crowd.

"Hear this," Jo played the live dispatch on his phone and a very shrill and fast-spoken voice of a lady was heard.

"Just a while ago, The southeastern coast of Japan was wiped out entirely by a fatal tsunami provoked by an underground ocean tremor of Richter scale 6. The rescue teams were able to access the zone under control, and it's evaluated that twelve thousand residents and two hundred tourists were in the region at the time of the tsunami incursion. So far there are no survivors…"

Harua's whole body went frigid. It was too much for him to process, but he knew one thing.

The Southeast part of the country includes the Tsubasa shore. That's where she is, that's where she lived.

But he had hope that she would survive. He had to hold on to that little bit of expectancy to keep him sane.

Nonetheless, that too was annihilated into fragments.

"Update, the first victim from the locale was found, the body was identified as the eighteen-year-old Hamada Aiko-"

The visionless boy surged out of the class, he was feeling impassive and suffocated. He bumped into numerous students on the way, and he misstepped and fell multiple times but Harua didn't feel the pain.

His misery of losing Aiko overweighed his physical despairs.

His spurt to nowhere was endless, he couldn't reach a destination and soon his steps were hindered. The devastating news had the teen on his knees. Harua could protect her, couldn't feel how much pain she must have gone through. 

"Why….why her…"


Harua screamed his heart out and shattered down into tears and laments. It ruined him and drove him to insanity.

"I can't see your face, Aiko…I can't anymore... "

He wailed endlessly in between a crowded corridor of people who never saw his heart.

The one who saw him and the one he saw was no longer lingering other than as a mere remembrance now.

Nobody could see Aiko anymore, her curly locks, her plump and pink lips, the mole on her small nose, and the dragon eyes which decorated her beautiful tanned face.

Those were able to be captured by anyone.

Her true face only belonged to Harua. Nevertheless, it was always limited and as the time came it was seized away.

The face which was always meant to depart from him-



That's the end, guys!
Thanks for reading and please let me know how yall felt about this book. I accept any kind of constructive criticism so feel free to comment it down <\3

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