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Harua didn't visit her thereafter. A week expired and not even a sign of the boy.

Aiko was worried as well as nervous.

did she go too fast with the confession?

Did he hate it? Won't he come to see her again?

She opened her shop early in the dawn before the sun woke up and closed down when the world slept.

Still, he wasn't there.

It was the eighth day since his disappearance, Aiko was aimlessly glancing toward the water surges until a loud clap in the sky was heard. Following the ominous weather, water droplets drained down from the thunderclouds evenly.

"Shit…" She had no way other than to close the shop and run back home. After placing everything inside she zipped up her tent and turned around to run home, as she had no umbrella.


She halted her steps right there. Aiko knew that sweet voice belonged to none other than Harua. On the spur of the moment, she pivoted back and sprinted to the boy. Aiko quickly wrapped her arms around him like her life hinged on it, Harua on the other hand commenced breaking down from the point she collided with him.

"Where were you? Are you trying to deceive me huh?"

Aiko muttered against the side of his head and Harua's tears increased as they muddled with the raindrops.

"Aiko…help me, Please."

His voice came out faint and distorted, the girl took notice of it and broke the hug. She cupped his flushed face and dabbed his tears.

"I'm here…don't worry, I will listen to you."

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