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"You know one of my secrets now, tell me yours!"

Aiko looked all better than yesterday, she also felt good after opening up to Harua.

"Well, I don't have many secrets…" Harua chuckled awkwardly, making the girl roll her eyes. "Ugh…you are so tedious!"

"Sorry-" harua was cut off when he felt his cheeks being tugged. "Why are you so blunt and cute at the same time," she chortled and kept squeezing his cheeks.

"Ow! Stop it, Aiko!" The boy whined while trying to make her stop but he gave up soon and joined her in laughing like crazy.

There were only twenty minutes left for Harua to take his bus back to Adachi so they agreed to visit the coast once more after yesterday's events.

"Can I ask you something now, you said I shouldn't but I want to know more about you, Aiko…" Harua asserted nervously.

"You can ask me anything, now I'm comfortable sharing my life with you." The girl established her usual position, her head on his shoulder.

Aiko was delighted to know that he wanted to know more about her but she didn't convey it, those utterances gave her a peculiar sentiment she never felt.

"Why won't you draw faces?"

He asked, breaking the stillness of seconds. Aiko foresaw that one, exactly the same thing that she thought he would inquire of.

"Because I don't remember what they look like, I can't see faces."

This time it caught Harua off guard. He didn't get to decipher what she meant until she proceeded with elaborating.

"Prosopagnosia, inability to see faces. I was normal until that mishap occurred, it gave me this weird disorder of not being able to see faces rather than a blurry image." She sighed softly and ti tightened her hold around his thin arm.

"So…you don't know what I look like? Just like I do?" He asked back with a pout forming on his lips unknowingly.

"Yeah, but isn't it better? We don't need to see each other's faces with our eyes." Aiko poked his chest with her finger and tittered.

"We can see it by our souls, how pretty we are, how pristine our spirits are…and moreover how much I adore you." The brown-haired girl lifted her head from his shoulder and softly pressed her lips on his blushed cheek.

"My heart is my face, Harua. You could see it, couldn't you?"

Face of Aiko ■Harua■ &TEAMWhere stories live. Discover now