Episode 02 - Dreams

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Location: Peach's Castle - The Castle Rooftop - The Mushroom Kingdom

It's a beautiful day here at the Mushroom Kingdom and Mario was seen taking a nap on the rooftop of the castle and Y/n was just relaxing on the rooftop with Mario while reading a book on his smartphone.

Ever since Y/n gave Mario a cake after Toad told him that the cake was a lie, the two of them became friends and Peach even let him stay in the castle with the room with the Snowman Painting as his own bedroom as long as Y/n doesn't do anything dangerous that will cause a lot of damage to the castle and make sure to pay the rent to his own room at the castle as well as doing some of the chores in the castle.

It may be a challenge to do some of the chores in the castle and making sure that he and Mario doesn't do anything dangerous inside and outside the castle, but Y/n doesn't even mind about paying the rent for his own room and doing chores around the castle as long as he keeps Mario from doing something really stupid and/or dangerous.

Right now, Y/n put down his phone for a moment to see Mario snoozing up a storm and began to wonder what Mario is dreaming right now.

Mario: ZZZ...mmm...ZZZ...mmm...pasta...spaghetti...Luigi...people watching me...hi...Jesus.

Y/n: I wonder what he's dreaming right now.

Mario: *Snort* Huh? Wha? Oh yeah, right? Oh, hey Y/n. You would not believe the dream I had.

Y/n: Did it had lots of spaghetti in it?

Mario: Yep, and man I am hungry, but what's there to eat on this roof?

Y/n: I don't know, but I don't think we can find anything to eat on this roof.

Mario: I'm gonna look around and see what I can find to eat.

So then, Mario got up and ran around the roof to find something to eat to curve his appetite and when he went over the other side of the castle and found a couple of mushrooms.

Mario: Oohhh Mushrooms. Why do they look all moldy green? They don't look like 1-Up Mushrooms. Meh. Whatever.

Y/n: Mario! No! Don't eat those mushrooms! They're gonna make you sick!

Mario: I don't care! I'm hungry!

Y/n: I know you're hungry, but you can't eat those mushrooms. They might make you sick to your stomach and give you some serious and weird hallucinations like how those stoners smoke too much weed or licking Toads.

Mario: Ew! Gross! I'm not licking Toad just to get high! That's sick, bro!

Y/n: I meant the frog kind of Toad, not the mushroom headed guys and that Toad that lied to you about the cake blamed me for giving you the cake and Peach punished him for going into her room and used her letters to bring you here to see if you still fit through the pipe and I know you're not fat. You're big boned.

Mario: Oh, right. My bad, but I'm still gonna eat those mushrooms.

Y/n: No, Mario!!

Too late. Mario has already eaten all three strange and moldy mushrooms that were growing on top of the roof. They don't call this place the Mushroom Kingdom for nothing. Then suddenly, Mario began to feel strange after eating all three of the mushrooms whole.

Mario: I feel weird, and they taste weird too. It tastes like a Yoshi's baby.

Y/n: I told you not to eat them.

Mario: I need more!

Y/n: Mario! No!

Then Y/n started chasing after Mario before he starts eating anything more dangerous that could literally kill them. Then Mario went over to Yoshi that is surfing on YouTube on his phone and looks up to see Mario in front of him.

The Legend of SMG5|Season 1: The Rise of Y/n L/n aka SMG5Where stories live. Discover now