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The sun has gone down a little far back by now. You were sitting on the bed, white sheets curling up for how long you have been there. A slightly dirty bandage wrapped around your arm and a thick band aid on your cheek.

The sting of your wounds were the only things that kept you from going unconcious again. You didn't mean for all of this to happen, all you wanted was for your dreams to come true. And yet, fate isn't really by your side is it?

"Are you doing fine now?"

You turned your head a little by the close of the door. It was the kind nurse that helped you get your bandages together. You nodded and hummed a silent 'mn'

The school nurse smiled, placing down a bottle of water by your bedside table. "That's good to hear" she said, sitting down by a seat. "So how did this happen by the way?" She asked, voice a bit worried and curious.

You looked away "I...fell down the stairs..." you said.

"Hmm..." the school nurse didn't seem convinced. She took a glass bottle and filled it up with water for you to drink. "I don't think a wound like that would only be caused by 'falling down the stairs'" she said in a matter of fact and handed the glass to you. You received it and stared at the water as it swirls around.

"I felt a hand push me down, but i didn't get a chance to see who it was" you said and drank up. The nurse shook her head. "Kids these days are maniacs" she said.

The door to the nurse's office opened, revealing a tall blonde guy. He wore glasses a little foggy and he held his hand that seemed to be bleeding.

The nurse stood up and went to him. "Good afternoon, how would you like to get it treated?" She said and examined the guy's bleeding finger. "Just wrap it up" he said. You stared at him and he seemed to notice, taking eye contact and locking eyes with you.

You both were staring at eachother before the school nurse called. "Gentleman? Can you move to that seat please?" She said and showed him an empty seat by her table. "Thanks" he said went to sit down, huffing a breath before the nurse went inside a room to get some bandages.

Before you even knew it, the both of you were alone, a quiet and eerie aura sorrounded the both of you. You closed your eyes and sipped a little of the water the nurse gave.

"Got into a catfight?"

You turned your head to look at the man, he was staring at the ceiling, but there was noone there besides you and him so he probably meant you.

You shook your head "No. I fell...down the stairs" you said, looking down.

He scoffed and looked at you "Fell down the stairs? You look as if someone had made a punching bag out of you"

You were about to say something when the nurse exited the room she was in earlier. She had a bandage and a small glass of a salve which is probably meant to make the wound heal faster.

She applied it to his fingers and wrapped it up with bandage "Aaaand, done" she said and stood up from the chair she was sitting on "You're good to go now" she gave the blonde a smile.

"Thanks" he said and stood up, looking back at you before starting for the door. Once he was outside the nurse looked at you and said. "Do you know him?" She said

You shook your head "No..."

"Oh, i thought you do" she said and laughed "He's a pretty salty lad isn't he?"

You took a moment to respond, looking at the door he just went out on

"Yeah...he was"

Soothing Dawn || TsukkishimaxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now