chapter five

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The song that was playing gave you a refreshing end of the day. Tsukkishima told you to keep the headphones for some reason, to just return it to him when school ends. And the time now was exactly that. You were packing your bag to head out and find that blonde guy, wanting to go home to rest in the comforts of your beloved bed.

"Y/n-senpai, leaving so soon?" Someone asked you. You turned your head to see a third year approaching. "Senpai? Please stop calling me that, you're much more older than me, and you're also the president of the art club. There's no need for honorifics to say my name" you said and carried your bag, taking off the headphones you were wearing since this past hour.

The third year chuckled and ruffled your hair. "Me? Not call you senpai? Oh please, truth is your much more of a pro than me when it comes to art, don't you feel honored to be called 'senpai'?" He said and crossed his arms, looking at you in a teasing manner.

You furrowed your brows and pouted, "But--" the third year only placed his index finger on your lips to shush you "No buts, i'm calling you senpai and that's final" he said and raised his arms "You can run along now, your boyfriend might be waiting" he said and winked at you. Your cheeks tinted a hint of pink. Thinking about what he said, you felt embarassed and covered your cheeks. "Stop it, we're just friends" you said and bowed "I-i'll be going now" you said and speed walked to the door. "Use protection now!" He shouted from inside the room, making everyone in the hallways face your way - your cheeks getting more red. "Senpai!" You scolded and he just laughed along, waving goodbye to you.

You shook your head and closed the door, bringing Tsukkishima's earphones on your ear to just listen to music and relax.

The trees' foliage beautifully swayed along the breeze that mainly suits the sunset. The sun had already been hiding behind the mountains when you had arrived inside the volleyball team's gym. You heard many thuds, guessing that they are probably still playing a practice match.

You slowly opened the large doors, and you stood there, in awe at what you saw. Tsukkishima had jumped infront of an orange haired boy to block a super quick shot. You felt as if a strong gush of wind had blown past you, black feathers flying around at the impact. There was a slight pause before you saw Tsukkishima, smirking and looking down at the orange haired boy "My oh my, seems like i blocked it again?" He said and snickered, making the tiny player glare at him like all the blame of the world belongs to Tsukkishima "You...tall salty turd!" He shouted, pointing at Tsukkishima now going to the benches to have a drink.

"Why is he so good at this?!" He added and gripped his hair in frustration.

"He's not" a player, who you guessed was the setter started "You're just too weak" he said and wiped his sweat

"You too?!" The orange one said and threw the setter a volleyball. And then their little 'battle' continued.

You didn't expect to see such a childish side of the volleyball team, you heard stories about them and immediately thought they were intense and scary, just like Tsukkishima.

"Oh? Y/n-san, what are you doing here?"

You turned your head to the direction of the voice, locking eyes with Tsukkishima - you smiled. "I came to return these--"

"Oi oi!"

You turned your head, seeing a bald player stand there, seemingly trying to intimidate Tsukkishima while his body was a few inches away made you chuckle a while. Tsukkishima glance at you for a bit, before looking straight on his senpai. "What?" Tsukkishima's voice was a little bit deeper than usual, you guessed that it maybe because he was tired.

The baldie inhaled strongly, puffing out his chest like he was about to yell at the firstyear. "Why didn't you tell us you had a lover?" His expression changed completely from intimidating, to a jolly one.

You blinked and just looked at the second year that's coming towards you. He grabbed your hand and shook it up and down. "Hello! Welcome to the volleyball club! How long would you like to stay?" He said with a large grin. You step back, not expecting to be this close with him. "Um...i--" Before you could finish what you were about to say, Tsukkishima took hold of the hand that the baldie was shaking and slowly parted both your hands.

His eyes were glaring at the second year, seemingly irritated by what just happened "Don't get too close" he said and brought you closer to him, hiding you behind his back. The baldie wistled and looked at Tsukkishima with amusement "Hoho--"

"Stop it Tanaka" someone bonked his head and he stumbled back, holding his forehead. "Ow! That hurts Daichi-san!"

The person, who you now know as Daichi, shook his head in disbelief. "You  never learn" he said and turned to you, smiling. "Are you okay? I'm sorry about that" he said and scratched his nape. You paused for a while.

Thinking about it now, this Tanaka person probably just wanted to be friends, you smiled at the thought "Oh no, it's no big deal. It's fine" you said and looked at the baldie "Nice meeting you Tanaka-san, but i have to go home now" you said and turned to everyone else "I'm sorry for the trouble, i only came to return something to Tsukkishima-san" you said and turned to Tsukkishima, giving him the headphones which he took hesitantly. "Thank you for the headphones, i got to return this now" you said and bowed at him. Waving your hand, you started for the door. "Then, i'll see you tomorrow"

With a satisfied look, you left the room with your aura in an even happier mood than before -  not noticing the volleyball team's stare on your way out.

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