chapter eight

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The rain had started to drizzle outside. The sun was well past the horizon - you couldn't help but feel cold about all the atmosphere.

Tsukkishima decided that you stay at his place for the time being, namely because it was raining outside and it had gotten quite dark. His house was not far from the park and thankfully, his mom was more than welcome to have your presence. In fact, it was too welcoming.

"You know, your mom's really cute Kei." You said while hugging the cup of hot chocolate as if it could ease the cold. Tsukkishima was over his table gathering his notebooks for his test tomorrow. Now looking at him be so busy studying, you had almost wished you hadn't asked him to come with you to the park.

"Hmm..." He hummed in response, eyes still fixed on the notebook he just picked. "Well, you're cuter." He stated and joined you on his bed, sitting next to you whilst opening his notes to get started. "Hey, you really should compliment your mom more. She's very sweet." You grumbled and pouted to him. It was sweet of him to compliment you from time to time, but not like that--

"Ah." You breathed, his lips felt warm and sent shivers down your spine even though it was just a simple peck. "Stop pouting. Mom's already pretty, I had known that since childhood. But now that I have you, I simply can't stop but compliment you more." He said.

You felt butterflies in your stomach, quite the giddy feeling, but it was nice. A smile rose to your face and you scooted closer to his blanket draped over your shoulders. You nodded and silently said a little 'yes'.

Kei went back to his notes and started to study. He said that you can bother him if you ever need anything, but who would do that? Certainly not you. You know full well how it feels when someone disturbs you from studying for an important test, it was simply not a good feeling.

A few sips more of your hot chocolate and it would be empty, and so you started to move to return it to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

You turned around to see Kei looking back at you. "The kitchen, I need to return this." You motioned to the cup. His mom had prepared you this earlier, it was really sweet of her really. She was the total opposite of Kei's salty personality, and by the thought of it, you couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'll be back, just continue what you're doing."

"I'll come with you." He said and almost stood up when you stopped him. You couldn't possibly disturb him more than this. "No no, it's fine. I'll just take a few seconds."

You can feel him lower himself and back onto the bed. His eyes draped over his notes and back to you, "Fine, just come back sooner."

"I will."

You started for the door, only to be jump scared by Kei's older brother. You let out a tiny yelp and that one misstep took you to stumble down, luckily, Kei was already there to catch your falling frame. But his glare was too piercing to his older brother.

"What are you doing here?" He said. "Y/n almost tripped over you know."

Both you and his brother flinched, his voice was threatening enough that even you couldn't help but be scared. Kei's brother took notice of this and gave a nervous smile.

"I'm so sorry Y/n-san, I'll be more careful next time." He said - turning to Kei. "Mom asked me to call you both for dinner, she said the food's gonna go cold if you don't hurry."

Kei sighed and released his grasp from your shoulders, turning you to him, he placed both his palms on your cheeks, making you fully face him. You were flustered by the sudden action, with Kei's brother here, possibly looking at you both, made the situation even more embarassing.


"Are you okay? You weren't scared were you?" He asked. His voice was soft, he said it as gently as he could. His face said an expression of what you can only call - worry. His words made you reflect on what you felt earlier. You weren't scared because of his brother, no, you were only surprised to see him there. But you couldn't disagree that Kei's tone was quite scary earlier.

You gave him a wide gentle smile. Your smile, squished between his two palms. "I'm fine, you shoudn't worry too much." You said happily, holding his hands in return.

Kei's body relaxed and his lips curved to a smile when he confirmed you were alright. "That's good."

It was like there were flowers blooming everywhere around the both of you. And sparkles were in the air too.

"Um...I'm still here?"

At this point, it would be Kei's brother going cold instead of the food.

Kei's mom was a great cook, you had greatly enjoyed the dinner she prepared before you decided that it was time to go home. The rain had stopped and the skies were clear of the gloomy clouds again. Of course, Kei's mom wanted for you to stay longer but there was no way you could, your own mom would be worried sick if you'd come home later than this.

The walk home was as peaceful as it could get. Kei had lended you his scarf considering how cold it was after that sudden rain. Your nose was red from the cold too.

"Are you cold?" Kei asked from your side. You told him that he could stay home and that you could come home on your own, but he insisted that he'd take you back. He was far too worried to let you go alone, much less at night.

"No, I'm fine." You answered, shoulders visibly shaking.

He gave you a look of disbelief. It was really obvious that you were indeed cold, no need to lie to him, he knows everything, he was far too observant to fool. He came to a stop and so did you. He grabbed your hands and held it in his, breathing gently as fog came out of his dried lips.

"Better?" He said, a little smirk playing on his lips.

You blinked and chuckled, "Much."

You would have never imagined for him to act this way. It was only a month ago that he'd act so cold and savage, but now he was the sweetest person you've ever really met. How can he change so much in such a short period of time?

"What are you thinking about?"


Tsukkishima chuckled and kissed your hands in a playfull way. "Are you flirting with me?"

You copied him and brought his hands to your lips, giving it a peck before looking up at him. "Why? You don't like it?"

His face tinted a slight red before he pulled himself together again. What was that feeling just now? It felt like something struck his heart.

"Ahem, we should get going now." He cleared his throat and urged for you to come with him. His ears were flushed and you could tell his heart was beating fast because of the pulse on his hand that's holding yours. Realizing how greatly you could affect his feelings, you can't help but give him a tight hug.

"Ah're really cute." You wispered.

The walk home had gone with the both of you chatting away at endless nothing. About volleyball, about his brother, about his mom, about how he's so annoyed about these people called 'Kuroo' and 'Bokuto'. The small talks you shared were simple, yet it made the moon shine even brighter.

He gave you a small kiss after you had reached your home. His lips were warm even after the coldness of the night. It made your whole body tingle, and collywobbles it was one of the best feelings in the world.

When you both said your goodbyes. It was sad to see him leave, but he had to, he still need to study for his test.

And you wish him all the best.

You were glad you went with him to the park. It was simply one of the best days in your life you could have counted. And you wouldn't mind to repeat it all again next time.

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