chapter four

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A few days passed since that day. You occationally meet Tsukkishima every now and then, you even sometimes had lunch together. These past few days went so fast that you couldn't even remember most of it.

You were currently putting on your socks, right next to the door. Before you had the chance to put on the other one however, two tiny arms wrapped itself on your neck, enveloping you in a tight hug. You chuckled and held his arms as id hugging him back. "What's wrong Miru?" You asked and faced the child. He had a smile platered on his face, it was cute to see him that way. "N/n is happy" he said and squished your face, pecking your nose "I wish N/n would stay this way forever" he said and nudged his cheek on your face. You chuckled and kissed him back. He laughed cheekily and shoved your hand away jokingly "Stop it!" He said as you continued pecking his face with kisses "I love you so much, my cute younger brother" you said and hugged him.

"No fair!" You heard another voice, he came running down the hallways before jumping at you, hugging you tightly "What about Haru? Haru wants N/n's kisses as well!" He said and pouted. You chuckled and pecked his nose "There, all better?" You asked. He immediately brightened up "Will we be going with N/n today?" He asked.

You shook your head and flicked his forehead "No, N/n has to go to school, and you both should too" you said. They both became gloomy in an instant. "But..." "I wanna go with N/n..."

You felt a little guilty by how they look now. Coming to think about it now, it had been quite a while before you hang out with the twins. You smiled and held their hand "Say, how about we come to the mall this weekend and have fun, hmm? Will that make you happy?"

Their faces brightened once again, strongly nodding their head before letting go "Okay! Have fun at school N/n!" "Be careful!"

You chuckled and gave them one last kiss before finishing off your socks and shoes and started for the door. "I'll be going now" you said and opened the door.

Your hand immediately shielded your eyes when you were greeted with the bright rays of the early morning sun. Very few students were walking as well, going on to their own schools. You started to walk, checking the time if you have enough time to buy a drink.


You looked at the blonde infront of you. He had the same stern look he always wore, but when his gaze met yours, it seemed as if his expression softened. "Oh? It's you again" he said and pointed at you. You chuckled and shoved his hand away "Yes, it's me, goodmorning Tsukkishima-san" you said. It was only by a moment, but he smiled, a barely visible one before heading off before you "Should we go now? We'll be late" he said, inviting you to come with him. You nodded in response and walked a little behind him.

The air, as always, was quiet, yet it seemed to have softened a little since the last time you walked to school with him.

A few minutes passed by, you heard a tiny rustle to the far right. You glanced towards the direction and saw a black cat, the same one you always see everytime you walk to school in the mornings. "Kuroi, goodmorning" you said and knelt down to pet the cat.

The cat purred on your touch in delight. Ever since the first time you met Kuroi, he had been visiting you at home to come and play with you as well as the twins. Later on, since Kuroi's fur is of the color black, you named him "Kuroi"

You smiled when you saw how happy he was to see you. But alas, time still exists and you'd probably be late if you stay any longer. You stood up and waved at the cat one last time before walking again to school. But before you could take another step, you bumped into someone's back and you stumbled down a bit, holding your nose that was a little red from the impact. The person you bumped into didn't even move an inch.

You looked up to see a very blank and kind of...worried? Nah, that couldn't be. A very iritated look should be the best answer.

"What took you so long?" He said and narrowed you down. "I've been waiting here for a century"

You blinked "Tsukkishima-san, you know you could have just go on without me" you said as a matter of fact. His ears flushed red from the realization and turned around, crossing his arms and clicking his tongue "Yeah, why didn't i go by myself?" He murmured to himself, his voice lower than normal which made you not hear what he had said. "What was that?" You asked at the blonde

He clicked his tongue again and irritatingly put on his headphones on your ears, surprisingly, the music that was playing somehow sounds so gentle and refreshing. "I was talking about the music, stupid idiot" he said and walked away, leaving you with his headphones and music player.

You breathed out, letting the soft smoke come out of your mouth. Looking at his back moving away, his ears flushed with a hint of red. You smiled


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