Head seat - Jercy

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Summary - after the third argument on who gets to sit on the head table at the Argo II, Jason decided they could share the seat, if Percy agreed to sit on his lap.
(Inspired by a headcannon)


"We both know I'm more qualified for this!" The five demigods sighed. This had been going on for too long, they had an important quest and this two idiots who were very much gay for each other had to fight again.

"Stop being stubborn Percy!" Jason shouted at the son of Poseidon.

"You stop being a stuck up!" Percy retorted. Their noses flared as the glares thickened. Leo kept himself from snorting at the dramatic scene, while the rest rolled their eyes in unison.

"You know what," Jason spoke up after a short silence. Percy crossed his arms, and raised an eyebrow sassily. "Let's share the seat" he suggested. This confused everyone present.

"How is that gonna work?" Piper piped in. The rest nodded, asking Jason to explain.

"You know, I'll sit on the seat and Percy can sit on my lap. How does that sound?" He turned to his crush and raised an eyebrow in a suggestive manner. The other five demigods fell into a fit of giggles, as Percy's cheeks heated up.

This had been one of his fantasies, really. But, he didn't think it would happen this way. But, he can't say no, he would appear weak. Besides, he did have a few advantages on this. So, Percy being Percy agreed.

"Fine, Grace. But I hope you don't regret it" his much evident smirk made the blond's heart flip. But, he made no sign of it.

"Can we start now?" Annabeth being tired of their antics asked. Jason sat down on the chair, and Percy made himself comfortable on the other's lap. He leaned back on Jason's chest , and tilted his head so Jason could see the others.

"So, we all know what the quest is about. We have to find the missing lyre of Apollo, and the prophecy said we-" Jason cut himself off when Percy moved in lap, placing his ass right above Jason's member.

"What's wrong?" Percy blinked innocently. The audacity. Jason cleared his throat before continuing.

"As I was saying, Rachel said to travel south. So, that's exactly what we're gonna do. Leo, you know what to do" Leo saluted and stood up to leave the others talking. Percy moved again, this time rubbing Jason's cock.

The blond bit his lip, to not release any sounds. "What are you doing?" He mumbled so only they can hear, the others were busy in their own conversations anyway.

"What do you mean?" That playful tone again. Jason went weak in the knees. He moved once again, fully aware of the bulge under his ass. A low growl left Jason's lips, and Percy felt himself getting hard too.

"You need to stop, or I swear imma fuck you senseless" he warned. So hot. Percy thought, as the smirk came back again.

"Then I'm not going to stop" he moved once more, and Jason gripped his waist. A small whimper left Percy, as Jason's nails dug in, but did that stop him from moving again? No.

A fist slammed to the table, and everyone flinched. They turned straight and saw a very stressed out Jason, and a very coy Percy. He opened his eyes, and stared at them "please excuse us, me and Percy have something to get done" Jason said. Percy stood up, and allowed Jason to stand as well. Then he let himself be dragged to Jason's room.

Soon as they left, Leo came back with his signature smirk on. "How much y'all wanna bet, Percy was moving around?" The others snorted.

"They need to just get together at this point" Hazel commented inbetween her giggles. Frank nodded along to his girlfriend.

"The question is Leo, how much y'all wanna bet Percy won't be walking straight tomorrow?" Piper asked, and soon, one side of the Argo II was filled with howling laughter, and the other with sinful moans.


Just please don't question whatever this is.

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