His majesty - Perpollo

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Summary :- Prince Perseus of Atlantis, was gorgeous beyond words could describe. Many desired him, but his majesty only had eyes for the God of sun.


Perseus was awoke in his bedroom, of the underwater castle. He had been throwing small pearls around, and when it floated back to him, he threw them again. His life had been long, it felt it was just yesterday he had come to camp half blood, he was twelve then, now he was twenty two.

Annabeth and him broke up, but decided to stay friends. But, both never talked much as she was busy in Athens. All of his friends were busy with their life and so was he. He was living in the Atlantis now, but he visited his mom's house whenever he got the chance. Estelle was growing up quite fast, and Percy was both happy and sad about it. He already missed her incorhent babbles.

He is enjoying his life in Atlantis, with Triton, Tyson, Amphitrite and his father Poseidon. He was known as Prince Perseus all around the realm. He was getting used to this life of his, but the only thing that bothered him were the hungry eyes on him everywhere he went. All those gods, minorgods, demigods, nymphs, satyrs and what not. They all stared at him as if he was a prized possession. He had received too many proposals ever since his breakup with Annabeth. It was almost like he was the next Helen of Troy, oh how much Percy didn't want that.

"Hey Perce! Father wants to see you" Triton had swam in with his twin tails. Percy rose up from his bed with a nod, and both of them made their way out.

"What does he need?" He asked as a merman passing them whistled his way. He resisted his urge to roll his eyes.

"Not sure, I walked- well swam in on him talking to someone I don't know" explained the older of the two. A hum left the demigod as they walked into the throne room of the castle.

Poseidon sat up high on the throne, with Amphitrite on his side. They were awaiting their sons' presence, as a warm smile had been placed upon Poseidon's face the moment their eyes locked.

"Welcome, sons" he greeted them and the both of them bowed before him. Poseidon gave a simple nod, and turned to look at Percy while Triton swam to his throne. "Percy, do you know why you're here?" Asked the King.

"I'm afraid not, Dad" answered Percy. Poseidon nodded slowly, before starting to speak again.

"Well, as you know, you are seen as a prize in Olympus and many people have proposed you, but you rejected them" Percy felt his insides burning, he hated that topic. Honestly, why can't these people leave him alone.

"Yeah, I know, I know" a dejected sigh left his lips, after he spoke. Poseidon spared him a sympathetic glance.

"Percy, I know you don't want any romantic relationship at the moment but.." he paused, heaved a sigh, then continued on again. "You have to choose someone, or this leads to the next Trojan war" Percy's eyes flew up in shock.

"What, Why!?" He screamed. Were these people utterly foolish? He thought so, why do they want him so bad anyway.

"I'm afraid it's true. Percy, you know gods don't take rejection well. The only reason they left you alone, was because you were already Annabeth's. But now with her out of the picture, there is no reason for them to sit back. Which is why I'm telling you to choose someone to marry before things get out of control" explained his father with sad eyes.

No way this was happening, he felt overwhelmed. Just yesterday he was swimming with mermaids and now he was forced to choose a companion for life.

"I-" he couldn't form words. They seemed to be stuck in his throat, he looked at the queen and the crown prince and both of them looked at him with pity. He hated being pitied.

"Also, Percy if you choose a God to be with then, you must take immortality" Poseidon added. Just great. "You have till sunset to make a decision" then he was back in his room.

Time flew by, and the sun was setting. The sky was orange with hues of purple spread across the blanket of warmth. All the twelve Olympians sat high on their respective thrones. He was the only 'outsider' present there.

"So, we are gathered here to stop the next Trojan war from happening" Zeus announced as if we didn't know that already. "Perseus, have you made your decision? Who will you be choosing to marry" his eyes skimmed across the palace room. They stopped infront of a pair of blue. Apollo. He always had a small crush on him, he had been hanging out with Apollo a lot nowadays, and he felt the feelings developing to something more. From the corner of his eyes, he could see the smirk on Aphrodite's face. Oh, ofcourse she knew about all of this.

"I want to marry..." he trailed off, getting lost in those piercing blue eyes, that held the warmth of the sun. He wanted to say Apollo, he would've loved to marry him, but who was he kidding? Apollo couldn't possibly love him. Percy couldn't choose anyone besides him, he tried but he just couldn't. He wanted to marry no one else, he didn't love them.

"Well, Percy, since you're having some  trouble choosing, I as the Goddess of love, think you should marry one of us. Specifically, the God of sun" Aphrodite chimed in. Everyone looked at her with baffled eyes, while Apollo and Percy blushed a bright shade of red.

"W-what?" Percy stammered. What was she upto now? Zeus cleared his throat.

"Well, that doesn't seem so bad to me. Apollo do you mind?" Apollo shook his head, causing an electric shock to run over Percy.

"Percy?" Poseidon spoke, Percy shook his head too.

"I'm fine with it" he replied. Percy noticed the way Apollo's eyes lit up, making him feel all mushy inside.

Then by sunrise, the news spread like wildfire. That prince Perseus was marrying the God of sun. The whole of Olympus, Camp Halfblood and Camp Jupiter would be there to attend. 


The next part will be up soon.

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