Green eyes - Willercy

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Summary :- Dr Will Solace, was walking around the market, when suddenly a masked man with green eyes snatched his scarf.


It was a cozy evening. The market was, as usual, buzzing with betas and peasants. The setting sun lit the sky up in hues of orange and red, with a spreading shade of purple and dark blue overtaking the cotton candy clouds, and the fiery farewell of the sun.

Doctor Will Solace was enjoying his time off from the castle, in the market, checking out the newly arrived products. He didn't intend on buying them, of course. He pulled his scarf, a bit tighter when he was hit with a cool breeze. It was a gift from his mother, before she passed. He wore it whenever he got the chance, yet he managed to keep it in good shape after all this time.

He heard a few shouts, but didn't pay it much attention, as it was nothing of extraordinary in the market. He continued walking, not sparing a look back. A complete mistake.

Someone, out of nowhere, crashed onto him from the back, but before he could kiss the ground Will steadied himself. He turned to the stranger, and they were covered fully, except for their eyes. Weird. Their eyes however, were green as the sea and deep as the ocean. He couldn't help but stare, mesmerised. It felt like decades, but only a few seconds had passed. Will hadn't realised, that the stranger had been gripping on his scarf. Probably caught it, to regain his balance.

There were more shouts, and the beautiful green eyes of the stranger widened, and he ran. Will stood still for a second, before realising the missing warmth around his neck. His scarf. The stranger took it with him.

Mumbling a low line of ancient curses, Will ran after the stranger. The masked man, would turn his head from time to time, and seeing Will still behind him, he would fasten his pace. But, the blond always caught on.

They passed many stands, and the stranger took a swift turn. If Will had turned away for a second, he would've missed him, but fortunately he didn't. He took the turn, and saw the stranger facing a wall, while panting heavily. A dead end. The man turned around and his sea green eyes, stared at him with fear.

"Why- why are you r-running?" Will struggled to get his words out, as he tried to catch his breath. The stranger tried to back up, but failed as the wall stopped him.

"P-please do not- do not tell anyone!" He stammered. Will could only stare at him with confusion.

"Tell what? That you took my scarf?" He asked. The stranger, looked even more confused.

"Your scarf? I didn't-" that's when he noticed the fabric, tangled on his hand. "Oh, I'm sorry. I hadn't realised" he apologised and handed the scarf back. Will took it, and examined him. Rag robes, in gray and a mask protecting his identity.

"It's alright. Um, who are you?" Will asked. But, the stranger seemed very offended, and defensive of himself.

"It's none of your concern. You got your scarf back, leave me alone now" he ordered. Will realised, he had heard this voice before, and he knew someone who had eyes so green and beautiful like the stranger's, but possibly the boy he had in mind wouldn't be the stranger in front of him.


"I was just wondering. Are you a theif?" A gasp left the other, as he folded his arms.

"How dare you address me as such!?" He exclaimed. Will raised his hands in defence.

"You looked like one. I'm sorry" he dragged the last bit out. The stranger rolled his eyes.

"Leave me alone, doctor" he said, but froze afterwards. Will raised an eyebrow, and took a step further.

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