Wish - Lukercy

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Summary :- after the gaint war, the gods agree to grant their any one wish.


At last, it was Percy's turn. He fiddled with his fingers, as he walked towards Zeus. All eyes were boring into his head, watching closely. He bowed infront of Zeus with much dismay, and then turned to his father. He knelt before him, "father."

"Rise my dear son" Poseidon ordered. His tone was filled with pride, his sea green eyes reflecting it as well. Percy stood, and raised his head to stare at them.

"What is your wish, Jackson?" Zeus asked, with boredom. Percy resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and spoke.

"I want Luke back," he said, his words heard and clear. Silence followed after, everyone stilled with one question in mind. Why the traitor? The thick silence was interrupted, when the goddess of love gasped.

"You- why? Why do you want him back?" Poseidon questioned.

"I'm sorry father, but I choose not to answer. Please grant my wish" he said. All the gods glanced at each other, with uneasiness. But Zeus spoke up nonetheless.

"You're wish will be granted," he paused and turned to the king of the underworld. "Hades?" The God rolled his eyes, and turned to Percy.

"Any sacrifices?" Everyone except for Ares, Athena, Zeus, and Dionysus, glared at the God.

"Hades." Poseidon's tone held authority, though Hades didn't seem to care.

"Okay whatever," he snapped his fingers. "The hero will be at your cabin when you go back. Also, Perseus what you wished for was something strong, be glad you're the saviour of Olympus" he added.

Percy nodded, and thanked them before the council was dismissed. The seven demigods walked out of the throne room, and into the stretched out halls. They were walking in silence, all tired and exhausted from the war.

They had arrived at the elevator, when Annabeth asked. "Why did you wish for Luke to be back?" Percy turned to look at her, and smiled.

"I just wanted him back" he replied. Annabeth, though didn't look convinced, nodded. Piper smiled at Percy, with a knowing look. An understandment passed through them, she would know of all people that Percy still yearned for the scarred blond hero.

When they reached camp, everyone was desperate to rest. They promised to fill everyone up tomorrow, and went to their respective cabins. Percy hurried inside and locked the door. Inside, was someone he never thought he would see again. Luke Castallen, his first and last love.

The blond, turned to him with a smile, he looked the same, but he glowed slightly. "Luke.." Percy breathed out. Luke approached him, as Percy's eyes glinted.

"Percy," Luke stood right infront of him. He took his smaller hands between his large ones, and planted a kiss on the back of it. Percy's face flushed lightly, and he shyly smiled. "Why did you want me back?" He asked.

"To start fresh, and end it in a happily ever after" Percy answered. A chuckle erupted from the older, as he looked away to his right.

"You know, I was waiting for you in Elysium. I promised myself, I would sweep you off your feet and kiss you the moment you enter" Luke recalled. He turned to face the beauty infront of him again. "But this is better, way better" he said, getting a little more closer.

"Then, what about the kiss?" Percy asked, and Luke wasted no time, picking him up and spinning him around. They both laughed, and Percy leaned in to kiss him. Their lips met, and a spark of flame lit inside them, as their lips moved in perfect sync.

If only they were aware of the twelve pair of eyes, watching them. A loud squeal filled the throne room of Olympus.

"They are so cute!" Aphrodite fanned herself, as happy tears brimmed in the corner of her eyes. The gods cringed at the loud noise.

"Why are we watching Castallen kiss my son!?" Poseidon roared, unhappy with the sight infront of him.

"Exactly, we have better things to do" Athena said.

"I say, I did want Perseus, but I guess Luke can have him. He deserves it" Hermes commented.

"I don't like this" Apollo grumbled. While, Ares glared at the Hephaestus TV, showing them the scene.

"Honestly, bless them Hera! Let them live happily!" Aphrodite cried out.

"Who said I didn't already?" Asked Hera. The love goddess yet again let out a high pitched noise, as the couple were sharing another moment.

"Turn that off! TURN THAT OFF HEPHAESTUS!" Poseidon shrieked. The God of the forges, snapped his finger and it shut down.

"Hey! I was enjoying it" Aphrodite huffed. Ares turned to Hephaestus with his pointy glare.

"How dare you annoy my lady," he began.

"Shut it, Ares. I don't want to talk to you" Hephaestus muttered, waving his large hands dismissively.

"Don't you have other things to do? Honestly! I'm off to bed" Dionysus exclaimed, and vanished leaving behind a scent of grapes and wine.

"Goodbye, I have work to get done" Artemis announced and left without another word. Poseidon decided to go to Atlantis, before he loses his mind and also disappeared.

What a day!

Meanwhile, Percy and Luke slept soundly, embracing each other. Finally, they were together again.


I finally got an idea and updated!

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