Chapter 4

53 3 0

August 2014

In our booth we ordered our food ate, sang a lot of songs and talked a lot. All in all we were having a lot of fun but I was always thinking that a few booths further was Yoongi with his friends.

Jaehyun: Seidy is everything ok?
Me: Huh oh yes. I have to used the bathroom real quick excuse me

I stood up and walked to the bathroom in the bathroom I took out my phone and texted Yoongi.

Me: Heyyyy
Yoongi: Hey aren't you having fun with your friends or why are you texting me?
Me: It is fun but I just wanna check if you are having fun.
Yoongi: Where are you right now?
Me: I'm in the bathroom about to walk back to our why?
Yoongi: Ok walk out and wait in front of the bathroom.

I walked out and did as he said and about 5 minutes later somebody in a hoody grabbed my hand and pulled me into an empty booth and pushed me against the wall I looked up and looked into the eyes I always get lost in.

Me: Yoongi what are you doing?
Yoongi: If I'm being honest I don't know but I wanted to see you. How are you doing?
Me: I'm fine I guess you?
Yoongi: Me too especially when I just saw you.

He came near with his face I could feel his breath on my lips and in a blink of a second I felt his lips on mine and my stomach felt like a whole zoo full of butterflies it felt better then I ever could have dreamed of. The kissed went from a soft kiss into a very deep kiss it really felt like 1000 of electronics were leaving my body while kissing we walked up to couch on the corner I sat on his lap and we broke our kiss for a second to get some air. He then turned me around on the couch and started kissing my neck he went from my neck to my collarbone leaving little marks on me that felt like little flames. He kissed down my body until he reached my skirt he looked up to me like he was asking for permission so I nod and with that gave him the permission to do with me whatever he wanted with my permission he took if he shirt showing the wonderful body of his he gave me a kiss again. He then pulled down my skirt and then the only thing I felt a pain that made me feel so free (you can imagine what happened right).

>After We Were Done Doing The Do<

I was putting my skirt back on and he was putting on his shirt.

Yoongi: How are you feeling did I hurt in any way was I too rough?
Me: I mean it did hurt in the beginning but it felt good considering it was my first time.
Yoongi: Wait it was your first time?
Me: What do you mean do I look like it wasn't?
Yoongi: Well I mean you didn't behave like it was your first time you kinda new what to do. And you know looking at you I thought you'd already had a boyfriend before and you had already done it.
Me: Well I didn't I don't even have an ex. And what about you, you seemed to know what you were doing yourself.
Yoongi: Well it was my first time too and technically I shouldn't have done it because of the company I should stay away from anything that can cause me or the other members trouble.
Me: But at the end you still did it you must trust me a lot to be sure that I won't go out and tell anyone.
Yoongi: I mean if you wanted to expose me for anything you had a lot of chances to do that we've spending so much time with each other and even though this is the first time we kissed or had sex you still know a lot about me that you would be able to expose and you didn't.
Me: Wow never thought that that's how you saw me thanks for trusting me and don't worry I love secrets and I can be your little secret as long as you want to I mean I do like you too...

Suddenly his phone started ringing and he quickly picked it up.

Yoongi: Hello
Yoongi: Oh yeah sorry I was held back I'm coming right now.
Yoongi: Yes I'll bring you a sprite on my way back. Ok bye

Me: You have to go?
Yoongi: Yeah sadly I wish I could stay here longer with you but the boys are already waiting I mean I've been gone for a while now so they are probably worried sorry I'll text you later when I'm back home.
Me: No worries I have to go back too my friends probably wondering if I fell into the toilet.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked out I waited for another 5 minute before I also walked back to my booth before I walked in I got a text message from Yoongi.

Yoongi: Pull your skirt down a little.

I turned around just to see him and his members standing in front of there booth and him smirking I pulled skirt down a little rolled my eyes while smiling at him and then walked in.

Anie: Girl there you are where have you been?
Me: Oh yeah sorry I wasn't feeling all too good so I went for a quick walk and on the way my battery died so I couldn't text you.
Jaehyun: Are you feeling better should I drive you home?
Me: No it's ok I'm feeling much better so what song is up next?

After a couple more songs we all made our way back home. Home we all got ready for bed and started talking about everything that had happened.

Samantha: So Seidy you and Jaehyun what are you guys now are you giving him a chance or what tell us.
Me: There was nothing before we met at the bowling place we actually talked and I told him that I was romantically not interested in him I really do see him as a friend of mine and he understood so we decided to stay just friends.
Anie: Really? I thought you would look good together actually but if you have made your decision that's fine if your happy.
Me: Yeah. Well there is something else y'all should know.
Samantha: What?
Me: You guys still remember the guy that I was talking to right?
Anie/Samantha: Yeah why?
Me: First of all wow jinx and I don't know what we are but we are definitely something.
Anie/Samantha: Ahhhhhhh Girl tell us everything.
Me: Jinx again.

While laying in bed I told them everything well not really everything you know I trust my girls but I still didn't tell them that the person I was talking about was Yoongi. They gave me a lot of advice and they were happy to see me happy like this but they warned me to not be swayed by his cuteness and to be careful and that they were there for once I'm ready to tell them who he is.

I Hope you enjoy the story ☺️

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