Chapter 18

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>2 Wochen später<
>Yoongis POV<
I've been working on how to talk to my management about Seidy and Haneul for 2 weeks and finally it was the day. The boys helped me so much and even came with me they were waiting outside while I was in the office with the management team and now it was time.

Manager 1: Okay Yoongi you wanted to talk to us about something important what is it?
Me: Well I really don't know we're to begin but I wanted to let you know that I've recently found out that I have a 4 year old son.
BangPd: Wait what how is that possible?
Me: Well it is my child from my ex Girlfriend and she didn't tell me out of her private reasons and also my fault but I have talked to her and I've also already met him my son already. I wanted to tell you because I wanted I wanted to make out a plan on how to tell the fans and the public because I don't want to keep them a secret and I made a promise to her.
Manager 2: Wait you want to go public with this news. I feel like that is a bad idea it could ruin your career and also your members career.
Me: I've already talked to them and they told me they were on my side if I was ready to make it public they would stand by my side.
Manger 1: But there could be the possibility you guys won't recover from this what are you going to do then?
Me: They could also be the possibility my fans will try and understand and I know it will be hard and the saesangs will be all over these news but like I said I promised her and I promised my son I don't want their privacy to be invaded but I also don't want to sneak around.
BangPd: Yoongi listen I understand you but you have to think it over this is a big thing and I hope you've thought about it. But I think you are old enough to make your own decisions.
Me: I know a lot could go wrong but I still want to do it and I believe in my fans.
Manager 1: Pdnim are you sure?
BangPd: Yes he has made his decision and all we can do is help him and stand by his side. So I think we should start working on a plan on how and when to announce it.
Manager 2: Okay we will work something out.

I thanked them and said my goodbyes and walked out of the room to where the boys were waiting for me unfein if the door. We all went out to eat where I told them on how the meeting went and all sorts of things they gave me some advice and also made plans for them to meet Haneul. After we were done we all went home and took a shower and laid in bed were I pulled out my phone and FaceTimed Seidy.

~FaceTime call~
Seidy: Hey everything's ok
Me: Yeah everything's alright what about you?
Seidy: Yeah I'm fine I just started my vacation and I've been packing for me and Haneul
Me: Where are you two going?
Seidy: We are going and a little trip to Jeju for a two to three days what about you anything planned?
Me: That's nice no nothing planned just wanted to let you know that I've talked to my management today and we are working something out
Seidy: Really? I hope I'm not forcing you to do something you are not ready for
Me: Seidy listen I already told you I'm doing this on my own and I don't want you to think that you are forcing me into anything and I'm really happy to do so and quick question is Haneul already asleep I wanted to talk to him
Seidy: Yeah I just put him to bed I'm sorry
Me: It's ok don't worry about it I will come over before you go to your vacation
Seidy: Okay sounds good I have to hang up I'm going to take a shower
Me: Wait Seidy can I ask you one last question please?
Seidy: Sure go ahead
Me: What about us? I know this comes out of nowhere and may be too pushing but I wanted to know when we could actually talk about us
Seidy: Yoongi-ah I really am not ready right now I'm still trying to figure out my own feelings and this situation we are in right now so please let's concentrate on Haneul right now and also everything that will come with you announcing that you have a child which I don't know how people will react and even though I am happy for my son finally having a dad and also not being make fun off for not having one I'm still worried about how your fans will react to the news. So please let's get that over with first before we talk about us is that alright with you?
Me: I understand and what do you mean with people make fun of him for not having a father
Seidy: You know kids can be really mean but lately he's been very happy and you have a lot to do with it so thank you for that
Me: Nothing to thank me for and don't worry I will protect Haneul and you
Seidy: Thank you very much I should go now
Me: Yeah see you tomorrow good night
Seidy: Goodnight

We hung up and I spend sometime thinking about what Seidy had said about us and she was right we should concentrate on Haneul first everything that happened between us and what's going to happen to us will be sorted out later.
After a while I fell asleep thinking about Seidy and also how the fans will react to the news once they are out.

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