Chapter 20

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>Seidys POV<
I woke up with that familiar smell around me and my body was so relaxed I breathed on that familiar smell and I was so comfortable that I just wanted to stay here forever but I knew that wasn't possible. After staying in my position for a while I opened my and looked around me and looked at the man laying next to me there was a time in my life after our break I wouldn't have imagined that we would be in this situation were I though I would never see him again.
After looking at him for a while slowly stood up picked up clothes from the floor and got dressed and went to the kitchen I made him a small breakfast and then left him a small notice that I've gone to pick up Haneul from Yunseo's place and then I left.
Luckily I was able to leave his place without anyone seeing me and drove to Yunseos place.

Yunseo: Come in Haneul is still sleeping
Me: Thank you for letting me leave him here
Yunseo: Girl stop you know Haneul is my favorite son so of course he's always welcome here so don't worry
Me: He's your only son Hahahhaha
Yunseo: And Hahahhaha

I entered her apartment and she made coffee for the both of us we sat down at the sofa and we talked about everything that has been going on.

Me: I need to tell you something really important
Yunseo: Go ahead what did you do
Me: Well it's nothing bad but I did something I'm not sure if it was right
Yunseo: You slept with Yoongi
Me: What? How did you know?
Yunseo: Because I know you. You are still in love him aren't you?
Me: I don't know I mean I don't know if it was just my body which was just being controlled by his familiar scent or if it really is my heart
Yunseo: Ok listen Seidy you need think about this carefully because this time it won't just affect you and him now there is also Haneul and I know you don't want to give him hope
Me: I know but I really don't know were to start
Yunseo: The only advice I can give you is over the past 4 years I've tried to set you up on so many dates and even though you went your heart was never there so maybe just maybe it's because you can't forget Yoongi and if that's the reason than you will know what to do
Me: Your right thanks
Yunseo: Nothing to thank me for I'm just looking out for you and Haneul

Just when she said his name Haneul walked out of her room into the living room

Haneul: Mami

He sleepily walked towards me and I picked him up hug him tightly we stayed like that for a while until I took him to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and that we made our way back home. Upon reaching the apartment I gave him a shower and we got dressed it was now 10am I took him to his kindergarten and then went to work. There I had a lot of things to catch up on so I was busy the entire day so wasn't checking on my phone around 5pm I then took a break and went out to get myself something to eat when I checked my phone 10 miss calls from Yoongi.
I went pressed on his name and called him back.

~Phone call~
Me: Hey sorry I was busy at work is everything ok?
Yoongi: Yeah I just wanted to check on you to see how you were doing
Me: We just saw each other hahahahaha
Yoongi: I know but I thought maybe you were ignoring because of what happened you know
Me: What no didn't you see the notice that I left you
Yoongi: No I did but still I just thought
Me: Dont worry I will not disappear out of the blue
Yoongi: ok that's good to hear by the way another thing this may come sudden but my mom called me today and asked if they could meet you and Haneul they really want to meet their grandson and my brother wants to meet his nephew obviously just if your ok with that
Me: Why wouldn't I be ok with that I will check my schedule when I'm free again and the I will let you know
Yoongi: That's good
Me: Yeah I have to hang up now I'm back at my work I will eat something and then get back to it
Yoongi: Yeah ok the boys are coming over soon so take care
Me: Yeah you too have fun

With that we hung up and I ate my food and then finished my work by 9pm I was finally done and packed my bag and drove back home were the babysitter was waiting for me who then left I made myself a bath and and while being in it I took the time to think about everything.
I thought about my past with Yoongi I was happy back then and even though our break up was messy I still to this day can't hate him the way I probably should. And even with time I wasn't able to forget him even though that's what I talked myself in that I'm over him deep inside of me I knew I wasn't over him I was just playing myself. But who knows if he even wants to start over with me and would his fans be ok with that once they find out I mean the fact that he has a child already shook them, would he even tell them or would this be a secret again like back then I wouldn't be able to go through the same shit again I'm scared of everything.
I finished my shower got dressed and went to Haneuls room to check on him he was sound asleep I gave him a kiss and then went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat and then sat in the living room and after I was done I went to bed with all those thoughts and questions which I had no answers for lingering in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2024 ⏰

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