Chapter 5

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April 2017

~Phone ringing~

Oh my god who is calling at this time I turned around and reached over to the nightstand to pick up my phone.

Me(with a sleepy voice): Hello?
...: Hello who's there?
Me: Shouldn't that be my question? Who is this and why are you calling at this time?
...: Wait this is Yoongis phone right?
Me: Yoongi?

I looked at the phone and realized that I wasn't holding my phone but Yoongis oh shit.

Me(whispering): Yoongi wake up it's important come on wake up.

He slightly opened one eye and looked at me annoyed and confused because I woke him up I just handed him the phone and muttered for you and pulled the bedsheets over my head.

Yoongi: Hello?
Yoongi: Hyung?
Yoongi: Ehm well I'll tell you when I come later
Yoongi: Don't worry. Yes I'll see you later.

And then he hung up the phone.

Yoongi: You can come out of the sheets now I'm done.
Me: Who was that?
Yoongi: Jin hyung he wanted to know where I was.
Me: Oh god I thought it was my my phone how embarrassing.
Yoongi: It's ok at least it wasn't Bang Pdnim or our manager. And they would have found out about it one way or the other I mean I would have told them anyways.
Me: And what are you gonna do now I mean what are you gonna tell them?
Yoongi: Well that's for later but for now we can do something fun.

I slapped him on his arm and he just smirked he came near and he lightly kissed my lips and then we went deeper and you know what happened.

>Yoongis POV<

When I woke up about two or three hours later Seidy was still sound asleep in my arm I tried to move slowly without waking her up got dressed gave a kiss on the cheek. I tipped her shoulder lightly to wake her up a little and when she opened her eyes slightly I told her.

Me: Seidy I'm leaving you should sleep a little longer ok I'll text you when I reach our dorm.

She nod and fell back to sleep in smiled at her cuteness  and then left the hotel room and went straight to the dorm. As soon as I stepped into the dorm room I was bombed with questions by my band mates.

Me: Guys guys please let me come in first before you bomb me with questions like some police officers.
Jin: Ok go put you jacket away get something to drink and then straight to the living room.

I nod went to the bathroom quickly then got something to drink from the kitchen and then like he said straight to the living room where they were already waiting for me I sat down across them feeling like I was being interrogated.

Jin: So where have you been and who was the person that picked up the phone?
Jimin: We all heard a girls voice who was it?
Me: Well where should I start.
Namjoon: How about from the start.
Me: Well from the start we would have to go back to a couple of months ago when I met her.

So I started telling them the story on how I met her at the party how we met up from time to time and how we ended up dating.

JHope: Well that sounds like a kdrama made up story and she really didn't tell anyone about you.
V: Hyung is right is she really ok with keeping your relationship a secret?
Me: Well I did ask her multiple times and she said she doesn't mind and I know that she would love to have a normal date sometimes I mean I would love that too but it's better to keep it to us for now and she didn't tell anyone.
Namjoon: I mean if both of you are ok with keeping it a secret that's your decision to make. But aren't you gonna introduce us to her I mean I have the feeling if she hadn't picked up the phone then you would have never told us about her.
Me: No of course I would have told you guys but maybe a little bit later. But you have to help me keep it a secret for now ok no one is aloud to know accept for you guys I really like her and I don't want to end things between us.
Jungkook: Don't worry we won't.

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