Chapter 6

49 4 0

May 2018

~ Dispatch~
On January 3rd 2018  Min Yoon-gi also know as Suga member of one of the most famous rising kpop groups from Korea was spotted being intimate with a girl. The picture shows them in a park hugging and kissing sadly we were not able to see the girls face but what we can say is she has a darker skin color. BigHit Ent. has not confirmed nor have they denied the allegations and we have not found out who that girl was.
Also Min Yoon-gi has also not spoken about it yet.
But we are patiently waiting for any news.

>Seidys POV<

I was in the dorm talking to my mom telling her when I was flying to England when the girls came in so I said my goodbyes and hung up.

Me: Hey what are y'all talking about?
Samantha: You won't believe it listen Suga the Suga from bts is actually dating but nobody knows who that girl is.
Anie: Yeah they weren't able to take a picture from her face.
Me: Wait what are you sure it's not just a weird rumor I mean maybe someone is trying to bring them down because they are going places right now.
Samantha: No here look.

She showed me the picture and I knew that it really wasn't just a useless rumor it was really a picture of the both of us in the park.

Me: Will you excuse me for a second I'm going to get some air I'm not feeling good. And stop reading all this maybe it really is just photoshop you never know.

I stepped outside and searched for a privat place on the rooftop of our building and called Yoongi but he wasn't picking up the phone so I tried multiple time but still nothing so I texted him to call me when he can.
I waited for hours until my phone rang but it wasn't Yoongi it was jungkook ( yes over the time Yoongi had introduced me to his members and they are the kindest people I've met) so I picked it up.

Me: Hello
Jungkook: Hello Noona Yoongi hyung told me to call you and tell you that he will call you later he is in a meeting with Bang Pdnim right now.
Me: Ok thanks do you perhaps know anything right now?
Jungkook: No I don't really if I did I would tell you.
Me: It's ok thanks anyways bye.

I hung up and waited for his call I was so anxious and worried about him that tears started rolling down my cheeks without realizing I already bursted out in tears.
About another two hours I finally got a call from Yoongi I picked it up as fast as possible.

Me(with a crying voice): Hello Yoongi are you ok?
Yoongi: I'm fine really don't worry how about it are you doing ok. Did you cry?
Me: No there is just a lot of wind out here.
Yoongi: You saw the article?
Me: Yes I did what did your company say like what are you going to do?
Yoongi: I don't know let's talk about that face to face right now I just wanna talk about something else I don't want to think about any of that.
Me: Ok what do you want to talk about?
Yoongi: Anything but that lets talk about you what are you up to right now?

I told him everything that was going on about me going to England next month to visit my family. And then we made a plan to meet up in a privat place so he could tell me everything about the article and what the company had said about it. And then we hung up and I walked back to the dorm.

>2 Weeks Later<

I was waiting for Yoongi at the place we agreed to meet and after an hour he finally arrived he wasn't looking all too good he looked like he was in a bad mood.

Me: You are here how are you?

He sat down and he didn't look me in the eye so I instantly knew something was wrong.

Yoongi: Everything is ok it was just so hectic these days because of the article and everything but I'm fine you?
Me: Well I'm fine I'm going to Visite my parents soon so I'm happy about it and my last exams are near so I'm kinda nervous.

And then it was quit I never felt this uncomfortable around him when it was quit but this time something was off.

Me: And what are we gonna do about the article I mean they haven't let go if it yet.
Yoongi: Oh yeah about that I needed some time to get my thoughts straight to put them all together. The company told me to think about what I wanted to do so I took these 2 weeks to really think about everything. And Seidy I love you, you know that I would never do anything that would hurt you never but...

He stopped midway and took a deep breath and for some reason I didn't want to hear what he was about to say next.

Yoongi:...I don't know how to say this but I think it's better if we break up...I mean listen if me dating you hurts everyone around me not only my fans but also my members then I don't know and believe me it took me all those 2 weeks and I still am not sure that if what I'm doing is the right decision but I think it's better this way. This way nobody will hurt you and that's what I really care about right now. And our career is really starting up and I also don't want to disappoint our fans.

Tears were filling up my eyes that I wasn't even able to see him.

Me: You are right that is the better decision for you I understand and thanks for thinking about me for the past 2 weeks I guess...well then this 5 year relationship is over in 2 seconds literally thanks for spending time with me. Have a good life Yoongi I wish you and your members nothing but good luck and just one last thing I hope one day when you find the girl you love you won't let her go this easily.

I stood up and walked out of the room called a taxi and drove back to the dorm and was instantly greeted by the girls I walked up to Anie and hugged her and that's when the tears started coming out and I really thought I wouldn't stop the other girls walked up to us and we ended up in a group hug. After what felt like hours I laid down in bed and fell into an uncomfortable sleep.

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