8. The artifact

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Sitting down, I observed the remaining members of the council. Virion stood up and placed a map on the table while the other lances waited. He stared at it, eye bags were visible as he held a sad face. The depression was evident after losing her daughter and his mental state was in ruins. Virion didn't tell us yet about the topic of this unsophisticated meeting but I had a slight idea of what it was.

The doubled door etched with golden runes slammed open to reveal Aya who wore a tired appearance. Ever since arriving in the sanctuary, she has been forcing her own body through giant amounts of stress by going on scouting missions. Neglecting her sleep and fueling her own body with mana instead of eating, she was able to make maps with the guard's routines and other things that she wrote down on what she could find.

On the table laid a map of Dicathen. Numerous hardened sand statues (that Mica conjured) acted as a good measurement of how many alacryans soldiers there were and where exactly they were in the Elshire forest.

"What did you find?'

"Most of the alacryans can't navigate through the mist and the ones that can, it isn't worth it since it's too tedious. They mostly reside inside Zestier. The mist is the best place to attack, but there are some traps placed. Fortunately, not too many deep in the mist," Aya informed everyone present with a stern look while moving the little statues into position.

"Thank you Aya," Virions said. "Anything else found? How well is it guarded?"

"They managed to make small pathways. Using it to transport goods to Asyphin city. Why there? I have no clue."

Aya turned her head to Virion directly, not focusing if everyone present could hear it. "They also have our people as slaves... apparently... high bloods... their equivalent of nobles find them unique for multiple reasons." Saying that Aya's eyes twitched with anger and disgust. "We need to go as fast as possible, we need to save them from their grasp. I'm done. I searched every nook there was. I stared at everything there was. I saw how they threatened to elves that were captured," she continued, unhinged.

"I understand your frustration but haste will only get us so far. Scouting more and discovering new pathways can increase our chances of success. We have the power to already attack, but not the knowledge to make sure that everyone captured in Zestier can survive."

Aya's rage broke down as she understood that not everything can be handled with brute force. She then turned around and immediately left like always for another scouting mission.

"Shouldn't we force her to rest?" I heard Mica's voice behind me as I looked at the giant double door that stood open.

"She wouldn't listen. I already tried. Our best chance is to deal with the situation as fast as we can while minimizing casualties," Varay said, leaning forward on the chair to reach the map.

"It would be helpful if Leywin showed up." The others widened their eyes a bit. Maybe the absence from his comatose state after fighting two scythes made the others forget about his disappearance. Turning my head to Virion, I prepared to speak. "Where is he now?"

"He informed me he took time off to train and rework his body to be in his most optimal state."

"So he still hasn't recovered?" I didn't blame him for taking so long. The fact that he can use mana was surprising and to survive to tell the tale. I remember seeing him for the first time after the fight, his body was mangled and undergone a disturbing transformation. I sometimes want to refuse his report on the scythe, but he gave us important information.

For the first was black fire or soulfire as Arthur called it that could eat away fire. We originally had an idea about the effects but Arthur went fully into the explanation of the workings, its creation of it, the usage, and the effects.

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