12. Ascensions for dummies

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CHAPTER 12: Ascension for dummies

Tessia Eralith

The man who just blackmailed me to work with him dragged me outside to get alcohol. After a long wait for Alaric to sell the stuff I collected in the relictombs, I obtained a decent amount of money, (which I assume he took a large profit from, but with my lack of knowledge I have no idea how much he took).


I long realized the man in front of me isn't a regular old drunkard. But still, he is a drunkard.

"Yup,' Alaric said, holding and glazing over the full bottle of rum like a child playing with a new toy. I sat with annoyance in the silence as Alaric sipped from the glass. The content of the wine glass swirled as Alaric glared at it with newfound happiness. "You know," I could feel that his voice was carried with wind mana. An invisible sound barrier from his voice surrounded us. "You really stick out a sore thumb."

"It can't be that bad?"

He rolled his eyes dramatically. "Someone can have half their brain eaten by wolves and they still would be able to single you out from a crowd. As I said, the way you walk suggests you are a seasoned warrior with a tad bit of inexperience. But your form and skin suggest you are a noble or a caster who doesn't fight in the front line. Oh, also you were ragged and dirty clothing, making you look like a spoiled runaway noble who thinks blending with the crowd will do anything but it just makes it worse. You're a walking bundle of inconsistencies."

"And why did you let yourself know?"

"Because what would I gain from turning you in? You see, I see gold in you and your potential. Gold that will be mine.... yours... ours."

"So greed? But wouldn't there be a chance you would be punished for aiding me if you think-"

"Know," he corrected.

"Think I am not from here."

With a small chuckle, he took a sip from his glass. "I would probably be sentenced to death for other reasons." As the conversation progressed, my already low hope of working with him lowered significantly.

"Fine, if what you are saying is indeed the truth and not rambling from a mad drunk, what would I even benefit from this? And what do you exactly want? Yes, I know that you want money, but as you clearly can see, my funds are low, extremely low."

"You're trying to get out of this continent as fast as you can?" he questioned.

"How did you know?"

"It was more of a gut instinct, to be honest. And I take your answer as confirmation for it," he answered. "I'll help you blend in so you don't look like a carnival beast in a crowd. And I'll help you train to be a successful ascender."

"Ascender? Who said I want to be an ascender?"

"You can't just hop on a boat willy-nilly and think you are back home. And besides, after the victory of Alacrya," it was like a knife was stabbed in my heart as he unintentionally reminded me about our failure. "The commanders slowed down on sending soldiers to Dicathen. And in the meanwhile, I have the perfect activity because you're going to need to be a successful ascender to make me lots of money, right?" He let out a scoff. "Good alcohol doesn't come cheap, you know. Especially at the rate I consume them"

I mean, it wasn't such a bad offer. The only thing he wants is money and I won't be captured if I am lucky enough. "How much money do you want?"

"Sixty percent of all of your earnings in the Relictombs as well as any form of ancillary promotions or winnings you earn while you're on the surface as well," he answered as if he had the figure set before we'd even sat down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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