VII. A Deal with the Angel

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"I'm not sure whether to believe you or not, Sammy. Now on, never speak to (Y/n). If I figure out you do, I'll kill you. Only if I give you a task and it requires you to speak with her, I'll let you."

"Yes.. my lord. I'm sorry."

I get up from my spot and walk through the wall, creating an ink way for me to go back home to. I needed (Y/n) to be safe.

She's our only hope down here.


(Y/N)'s POV꒷꒥꒷˚꒷꒥꒷˚꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷꒷꒥꒷˚

It's been roughly five days I've been in Boris's little house. He's actually been a chill guy. He likes to joke around and sometimes steals my Bacon Soup from me when he's done with his, and we play Go-Fish but he always wins. One day I'll beat him. We've actually became pretty close to each other.

Even though he can't talk, he's a good guy. He's understanding about a lot of subjects we've talked about. It feels like I've known him as long as my life goes.


"Hey Boris! We have a little problem, we're out of Bacon Soup here.." I say from the kitchen. Boris comes out of his room and stares at me, then the door.

"Boris... what're you thinking?" He walks over to the circle table and gets out a case. He opens the case and it's a lever. A lever to open the other door.

The door I entered in five days ago was a safe entrance to here, but the other entrance required a lever to open. I guessed that was a not so good entry.

He gives me the lever and signals to insert the lever into where it's supposed to go. There was a little box in the wall that would be where the switch would be in place. I go over and place the lever in the box, pulling the lever to open the door.

Boris taps on my shoulder and when I turned around, he dashes out the safe house. "What?! How dare you!" I ran for him and now, we're out the safe house. The door shuts on its own. Boris and I just look at each other.

"Okay Boris, want to lead the way?" I say in the awkward moment. It looked like he was a little shaken up from going out of his home. I don't think he ever leaves his safe house. He shakes his head 'no'.

"Alright, just don't wonder off. Okay? We'll be fine." It was a straight, one way to go. When we turned the corner, there was a very dark hallway to explore. I looked unsure to enter there without seeing, but Boris taps me on the shoulder and gives me a light he found.

"Thanks Boris." I take the light and turn it on. We go through the dark hallway and we hear the sounds of machines working. It was a little loud to. I look behind me to make sure Boris was there. "Don't worry Boris. Just follow me and the light and we'll be out of here in no time."

We make some corners and one time, we did hear what sounded like footsteps above us. We both look up to where the sound was coming from, "Did you hear that?"

Masked Ink [Bendy x Reader] ( BATIM/BATDR ) Where stories live. Discover now