XVI. Broken Dreams and Rebuilt Hope

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We didn't take anymore rests after what happened. We just went on endless walks through hallways that were the same. I stayed in the back while Alice and Tom took the front. I was hugging myself for comfort.

It didn't feel real, but it was. I couldn't wrap my head around the reality we encountered. I've lost a dear friend today, and I'll forever be grateful for the memories I have made with him. 'He'll be remembered, and I'll soon get my revenge.'


(Y/N)'s POV꒷꒥꒷˚꒷꒥꒷˚꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷꒷꒥꒷˚

We walked down what seemed to be more of the same halls. I was doing more better mentally with Alice and Tom. Alice tried to make small talk, and I talked back. Not in my usual way though, just short answers like 'yes', 'no', that kinds of answers.

I really just couldn't understand what just happened a few days ago. I was in disbelief, discouraged, wrapped in a dark hole once again.

When I lost my brother, I went through the same process as this. I felt tired, unmotivated, overwhelmed, and heartbroken.

"(Y/n). Watch your step." Alice spoke through my moment of grief. I examined around the area we were in. It looked like we were getting across another endless fall to death. There were boards to cross this time.

"Some of these boards are loose, be careful." Alice steps on a board that looked like it was ready to break off any second. I slightly gulped, getting anxious about crossing over.

Tom was the last one to get across, so first it was Alice and then me. I looked at Tom, telling him to go before me. He just pointed the opposite way of me telling me to go forward. I sighed. I knew I couldn't argue with his decisions.

Alice has already made it across, and now it's my turn to go. I carefully placed my foot on the board. The board seemed to sink when my foot laid down flat on the wooden plank. I now shimmered my way slowly to the other side. I could barely breathe when I was stepping on these platforms. They literally looked like one wrong move, and you're good as dead.

When I got to the last board, I went faster to get off the boards as quickly as I could. Luckily, I didn't fall through, and made it safely across. Tom had ease to make it across. I guess he inspected the boards when me and Alice went. He easily stepped his way across than me and Alice.

I looked at Tom a little shocked and he just smirked at me, poking fun at how he easily made his way. I crossed my arms and laughed slightly. 'I didn't know that Tom had some humor in him.'

"Alright. Just a few more minutes and we'll be at the city. Be careful around these parts, the Keepers might be lurking in the corners. Stick to the walls and shadows." Alice warned us.

"Roger that," I whispered. I felt a little better now that it's almost been three days after the incident. I could move forward and do this for Boris.

Masked Ink [Bendy x Reader] ( BATIM/BATDR ) Where stories live. Discover now