VIII. Angel of Hell

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⚠️ WARNING: This chapter contains mention of NEEDLES. If you are not comfortable with this subject, you can skip over that part which will have a ❗️ RED EXCLAMATION POINT ❗️ YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. ⚠️



"Sorry Boris to make you wait. Did you hear what happened by any chance?" I nervously chuckle. Boris nods his and points at my chest. I look to see what he's pointing at and he points up like he was going to hit me with his finger.

I look up out of instinct and Boris goes running off again. Bendy laughs and follows Boris. "BORIS!"

I run after Boris and when I caught up, Boris and Bendy were starring at something. I look over to what they were looking to and it was a lift.

A lift to hell and back.


NO ONES POV꒷꒥꒷˚꒷꒥꒷˚꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷꒷꒥꒷˚

You all look at the lift and you decide to speak up. "So... Who's ready for going to see an angel?" You nervously asked.

"Nope. Never." Bendy shakes his head in annoyance speaking of the angel. Boris also shakes his head. "We'll be fine!... I hope.." You stop looking at the lift and make your way over.

(Y/N)'s POV꒷꒥꒷˚꒷꒥꒷˚꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷꒷꒥꒷˚

"Y'know... I didn't expect a party, pretty girl. I believe I need to prepare! Oh how much fun we'll have! Just like the old times... Right, Ink Demon?"

Alice speaks from the speakers and we all freeze. Bendy looks up and a frown goes on his face. "Shut up Alice." He hissed out.

"But... I don't think I'll have enough time for a party! I'm sorry pretty girl, but I'm afraid only two of you can enter my home. And it's pretty obvious on who's going to enter."

The speakers turn off, and I could see Bendy clenching his fist tightly. "Does she mean the lift... or.."

"That's exactly what she's talking about." Bendy growls, clearly annoyed at Alice's behavior. "Bendy.. I'm sorry, but-"

"It's fine. Boris, I'll meet you guys later.. I have some urgent things I need to do anyway. I'll see you guys later." Bendy looks away from us and creates an inkway.

Me and Boris could easily see that Bendy had spikes starting to coming out of his shoulders and his size was growing. Even the walls were starting to drip ink all of a sudden. 'What happened between those two?..' Bendy soon leaves the area we were in.

"Well.., he'll be back. Right?" I look at Boris. He looks at me nods hesitantly. "Alright.., well.. Down we go..." I laugh nervously.

We head down the stairs and the lift was ready for us to enter. When standing in front of the gates, we looked at each other, nodded, and went in together.

Masked Ink [Bendy x Reader] ( BATIM/BATDR ) Where stories live. Discover now