XIX. The Cyclebreakers Curse

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We found our way back, and now we waited for Audrey to come back. After a few minutes of us waiting, the door starts to move on its own.

Audrey didn't take long to come back, which was who we were waiting for. "Ready?" Alice asked.

We all nod our heads and went inside the door called 'THE CYCLE BREAKERS'.


(Y/N)'s POV꒷꒥꒷˚꒷꒥꒷˚꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷꒷꒥꒷˚

When we all first entered, the door closed behind us, and an automated voice started speaking to us. "Decontamination activated."

Some air was pushed out of the vents harshly at us. "Really?" Audrey said in a 'seriously' type tone.

After a few moments of alarms in our ears and hard winds pushing at us, the door finally opens, "Have a nice day," said the automated voice.

We get to the door and it automatically opens with on the other side, is a two story room. The room was relatively large, and filled with little artifacts is what it looked like.

"Woah.. what is this place?" I look around the area with curiosity. We all take our separate ways to view the room. Alice went up the ladder with Tom, me and Audrey stayed below to search down area.

I went to the left while Audrey went to the right. I look into this little case that shows a projector. 'There's plenty of projectors.. why is this one here?' I thought.

This place reminded me of a museum, but a really weird one. They had these iron barrier that was blocking something, but I guess they could open with a switch right next to them, and Audrey was the first to flick that switch.

"Hey (Y/n)! Check this out!" She grabs my attention. I stop looking in my section and went to go see what Audrey was talking about.

"What? What did you find?" I came next to Audrey's side and she puts her hand on a lever, about to pull it. "What do you think is behind here?"

I noticed some writing plastered on the little ledge of the window, and it read 'Subject 418'. 'Is there.. actually something in there?'

"Well, obviously something called Subject 418..." I look at her with a worry glance. Giving her a 'we don't know what's behind there' look.

"Well.. I guess we're going to figure out what's behind door 418." And with that, she pulls the lever, and the iron doors come up for us to see what is behind there.

We first see some dim light with a chair in a position knocked over. It would've been facing us if it was still standing. There was an axe on the ground with some ink at the sharp side, like someone was killing with an axe.

Masked Ink [Bendy x Reader] ( BATIM/BATDR ) Where stories live. Discover now