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My suspension is over and I can go back to school. I feel terrible. Yesterday I tried to catch up on everything for school and I was super stressed because I also had to work. And this morning I had a huge argument with my mother. In short, I'm in a bad mood, super bad mood.

Tuesday, the day is quite okay, I think. Like every day If I didn't feel so miserable it would be better, but whatever. I run to the tram and get on the front, to be on the safe side, in case I should meet Adam.

I get on and look behind to be sure. He's in my seat. Yes, I realize the seat doesn't really belong to me, but I always sit there, really always. There are enough other places, why does he have to take mine away? Oh no, he's looking... Out of reflex, I duck and try to move to the seat in front...unobtrusively of course...And I did it right away.

 "EXCUSE ME", an older voice yells at me.

"OH MY GOD, I'm sorry I didn't see you", I reply, horrified.

 "Don't worry young lady, but if you really want the seat, you can have it, you don't have to sit on my lap, you can just ask", says the grandpa in a friendly voice, which doesn't really make the situation any better.

"Oh no thanks, I'm really sorry, I didn't have my glasses with me and I didn't recognize you sitting there, I'm short-sighted you know", I say with a stuttering voice.

"Is that so, I thought short-sighted people couldn't see anything from afar and not up close?", he asks me skeptically.

"Umm, yes like you mean sir", I say, walking on in embarrassment to sink into my shame.Sir, where did I pick that up from?

The drive was pure hell for me as this grandpa looked at me with a mixture of pity and amusement throughout the drive. But I can't blame him, it's not every day you come across a species like me. As I get out and fresh air touches my face, I feel comfortable. When I get to the school, I see Maya, but she seems mad at me because she immediately averts her eyes when she sees me. But that doesn't bother me because a little distance won't hurt us and I didn't feel like talking anyway.

The bell rings, which means class has started and Adam isn't there, although I just saw him on the tram. He's probably skipping, should I tell on him? I'm not actually a snitch, but I could become one just to get back at him, I mean he'd probably do the same. It doesn't matter, I reject the idea again and am just happy to have my peace. But I'm wrong there, because he appears 5 minutes after the lesson begins, so he just came too late, it would have been too nice.

He sits down next to me and looks at me. But I don't return his gaze even though I feel his eyes on me.

''Did you miss me?'' he asks mockingly.''

You would like that, I think. But I keep ignoring his presence. But that doesn't seem to bother him much because he keeps talking.

 "Do you know why I'm late",he asks. Well, I had a conversation...

 Oh my goodness, how upset this guy is, why doesn't he finally tell me what happened, or do I really have to pull everything out of his nose?

"Anyway, me and the older gentleman had a lot of fun talking about your behavior.He said he rarely met such a clumsy girl and that you really amused him. Well, I told him what else you're up to and he laughed so hard he cried. Funny, don't you think so, Rajan?''

Wow... I don't know what I was expecting to hear, but it was far from it. I'm pissed that he made fun of me with that stranger and ashamed because it really could only happen to me. I feel my cheeks getting hot and turn around to make sure that clown can't make fun of it. But I manage to ignore him, which is great under the circumstances.

Adam: "You don't want to say anything about that?"

Since I can't stand being next to him anymore, I pretend to have to go to the locker to get my books when he suddenly freezes me with his comment.

 "I'm serious, you've got something back there, some kind of stain", he repeats. And then I run to the toilet.

There's no way that happened, I really missed that, I say to myself while trying to hold back my tears. And when I investigate my dress....I can't find anything. I'm honestly speechless that he pulled that number. Despite my anger, I plan not to react to it, because otherwise I would let him win. NOT TODAY! When I walk into class, I try not to look at his face and I trip over a schoolbag and fall down.And then it finally happens. I burst into tears, right I'm sitting on the floor crying and I see a hand in front of me.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE You pain in the neck, what have I done to you to make me so pissed off?"

When I look up, I eyes? Now I'm confused...

"I'm sorry I forgot to put my school bag down as I rushed to the next class, that will never happen again, please don't cry", a classmate of mine replies.

Yes, if you think it can't get any worse, it keeps getting worse. Since I can't stand it here any longer, I sign off and go home.

When I leave school, I feel free, finally. I'm sorry Rajana I didn't mean to make you cry I hear a voice behind me. Wow, I can't believe it, I really can't ever get rid of this guy.

Rajana: ''Just stay away from me, got it?'' You won, are you satisfied now?''

Adam: ''A little''

Rajana: "Go away or I swear I'll give you one!"

Adam: "Wow slow, no need to get violent."

Rajana: ''You go on, seriously, you are sick if you amuse yourself with the suffering of others.''

Adam: "Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit; I was just kidding."

Rajana: "Fun, yes it was funny at first, but you crossed the line."

Adam: "You really yelled at that guy for misplacing his school bag, huh?"

Rajana: "I thought it was you, so save your grin."

Adam: "I see, you would have liked it if it had been me?"

Rajana: "No, you misunderstood, you know what, think what you want, I honestly couldn't care less.''

Adam:" Actually I have to tell you something.''

Rajana: "Save your talk about therapy."

Adam: "No, I have to tell you how I really met you."

Rajana: "What do you mean, you met me for the first time on the tram, I already know that."

Adam: "No, I knew you before."

Rajana: ''Huh?''

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