part 2

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a/n: what is written in italic is the translation from russian, I tried my best to translate the curse words but it is almost impossible to translate it word from word


"archons, stop yelling" you quickly covered your ears. "yes, him, why are you so surprised?"

"y/n he is literally unapproachable, the dude is scary, I wanted to copy his homework and I almost shit myself when he glared at me, never again" thoma said recalling his awful memories.

"you are exaggerating, his presence isn't scary at all, maybe he changed, it has been three months since the last school year."

"i doubt that but i really do hope you are right"

"of course I am, i am always right." you said proudly.

but deep down you had your own doubts. maybe he was drunk. or high. or both. everyone knows that some drunk people are the kindest, maybe he was one of them. even offering you one pack for free, you had to pay him back somehow.

as you were debating with yourself why he did that you arrived at school. and thankfully you weren't late.

your classes were awfully boring. sure, you had to pay attention, but you didn't have the strength to do so, even if it is only the beginning of the year. you didn't really have to tho, you still got the grades you wanted without much effort.

well except the effort to not unalive yourself the whole semester. when you were younger, you were a straight A student, gifted and naturally smart.

you still are really smart, but it is not enough to be gifted to be the best, you knew that, you yourself noticed that your grades were slowly getting lower, but your procrastination was too big to let you do something about it.

my shoes without the s

why is genocide called genocide but not mass homicide.

honey ily and everything but you should really consider therapy

no but it's genuinely bothering me, why make a new word when you can modify the old one

man idk that's tough, even for me
please enlighten us

do not know


i choked PARDON?!

hu tao
unbelievably disappointed

are you high, albedo?

am actually

hu tao
man you said you quit

was stressed about today

no need for apologies, you can always start again

yeah, we are all a little not so stable here
I still didn't got an answer to my question tho
bye bffs see you at the cafeteria

hu tao
you better not be late.

you hurriedly rushed toward the cafeteria, hoping to manage to eat quick and have time to go out to smoke. you noticed a certain purple haired individual near his locker, and you decided that it is the perfect time to thank him properly for yesterday.

"hello, scaramouche" you said in your usual manner, but he looked at you and ignored your greeting.

"excuse you? i said hello"

"i don't need to be excused, I heard you and you just have a little less time to tell me what you want" he said not breaking the eye contact.

so that was what thoma was talking about, he really is intimidating.

"i actually wanted to see if you would like to go out for a smoke because i would feel guilty smoking your whole pack without sharing with you"

"no, i am not interested in spending my lunch break with you"

"okay now you are just unnecessarily rude. you gave me a whole new pack of cigs yesterday, acted like you were looking towards a new acquaintance and now you try and look down on me? bitch, we are almost the same height"

"please bite your tongue and spare me from your annoyingness" he said slamming his locker door. "what I did yesterday was because I was in a good mood, because of the kindness of my heart, hell maybe because I was drunk. nevertheless, don't confuse empathy with sympathy, I have no interest of crossing paths with you whatsoever" he said that then walked away without you having the chance to say something back.

"схуял мразь, да пашол ты нахуй" (fuck yourself, you are no big shit) you started cursing him in your mother language, knowing that no one could get you in trouble because no one understood you.

"я не знал что в этой школе есть и другие русские говорители" (I didn't know that there were other russian speakers in this school) a boy with ginger hair said behind you.

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