part 25

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"name: kamisato ayato. time of death: 22:18" the doctor said and he covered the lifeless body with a white cloth.


fake smile.


you despised funerals. despite this being the second one you attended in your entire life. the tension was just ... too much. for everyone. for everyone who never really had a connection with ayato, but still being deeply affected.

ayaka was dissociated from everything. she would start shedding tears unconsciously but then blink a few times to make it seem like nothing happened.

thoma still tried getting over the fact that he never got to tell ayato how he felt for him. and ayato never got to tell thoma the same thing. at least not with all his memories.

yae miko tried staying strong for ayaka, as she was the only one who legally could take care of her and emotionally - the only adult ayaka could rely on.

hu tao and the friendgroup planned the whole funeral. hu tao played the biggest part because nobody except for her really knew how to deal with losses. so she was the main pillar everyone relied on.

you couldn't process the thing that the boy who would tease you when you were little was now gone. in that moment you felt ... nothing. and you didn't understand why.

but scaramouche was always with you to make sure you didn't lose yourself along the way, as he already was there for his mom when she lost her sister, he knew the best how to be there for you.

"you don't have to do this if you don't want to" thoma told ayaka as she prepared herself to hold a speech.

"it's fine thoma, i want to" she said as she sniffled for the millionth time and stood up to make herself seen by anyone.

"to begin i want to thank every and each one of you for coming today. i am glad to see that so many people cared for my brother. he was an outstanding person. how he took care of me after our parents died was the most admirable thing i would ever consider because he was only fifteen. he would not let me be the one to bear all the grief and i am deeply thankful for that" ayaka finished but as soon as she inhaled she exhaled shakily and couldn't talk anymore because the emotions got the best of her.

"ayato died a tragic death. way to early for someone so young. but even so, he would have made so much fun of us for crying so much. if he was here he would have started judging all of us, silently and merciless. so all we have to do now is to walk him peacefully to the afterlife and then remember his memory proudly" thoma finished the speech ayaka started.

and he was right. ayato would have laughed his ass off that you all were crying right now. he was the "all or nothing" type of guy. he would have found the tiniest part of positivity and would have tried to lift everyone's spirits up.

"that's what i like to hear" hu tao snatched the microphone as she wiped her tears and pulled ayaka into a side hug. "my bestie ayayo said firmly that he didn't want cries at his funeral. so we should be at least respectful towards his last wish. my uncle says that people are like gold shining in your memory and I stand by that. ayato will be the most high quality piece of gold from my mind, and he will remain forever that way" and after that, everyone seemed to look at his death from a different perspective.

if he lived with this illness it would have been just harder for him, so this was the easiest way for him to escape. 'typical ayato, never trying too hard'

after the funeral ei insisted in joining her and scaramouche for dinner then driving you home, and yae miko was busy with being there for ayaka.

"what do you think if we just ordered takeout and you would stay over, y/n?" ei asked looking through the rear mirror as you were in the back with scaramouche's head into your lap.

"oh me staying over would be unnecessary, plus i didn't let my father know about me not being home tonight and i don't even have any clothes."

"no that's actually a great idea, i can share my clothes with you" scaramouche jolted up and grabbed your hand hoping you would agree.

"or we can drop by your house, you father gets to meet me so he will know with who are you staying over with and you get to pick your things" ei said adding onto the reasons why you should stay over "if someone looked at me with those eyes i wouldn't be able to refuse them" she said referring to her son.

"please?" he said with almost pleading eyes.

"okay fine, but only because your mom asked me to" you said and leaned onto scaramouche.

"see? i told you she dates you only because of your great mother" ei said proudly and very uncharacteristically of her.

arriving home, your dad and ei got along pretty well, maybe because how attentively ei listened to your dad brag about cooking, but it wasn't your deal because you were upstairs preparing your backpack.

"and done" you said as you zipped it and threw it over your shoulder.

"i'm really glad that you agreed" he said as he took your bag and pulled you closer.

and in that moment you just unconsciously kissed him. something you didn't do in a long time with everything going on. his hands found their rightful place on your waist and you entangled your fingers in his hair. you could feel your body heat up more and more as the both of your started to intense the kiss.

"y/n, there is a woman here who needs to see you" ei said while knocking on the door and interrupting your moment.

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