part 21

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"don't worry, you won't ever lose me, i promise"

things were relatively stable. both you and scaramouche didn't smoke in the last 8 days. you both agreed to try and quit smoking.

the both of you would overcome the need of smoking with ... other things. most people say lollipops are a good substitute. but when scaramouche asked to taste your lollipop flavour you didn't understand that he meant tasting it from your lips.

so you went from lollipops to kissing each other to overcome your addiction. but xiao would say it was annoying the very least. in reality he was just jealous because venti was sending him mixed signals and he was too shy to actually ask him out.

heizou was still the same. every monday a new girl. every monday a new girl was crying in the hallways. occasionally on tuesdays heizou would get slapped because of the heartbreak he left the poor girls in. deserved to be honest.

hu tao got a job. at a funeral parlor. unfortunately. and childe tried to get with her co worker. which just so happened to be a distant relative of xiao's. since then he started visiting the parlour way too often than a usual person would contact a funeral service. hu tao and childe started getting awfully well since then.

kazuha and albedo were doing ... not so good. they would get high every other day and albedo's sister - klee would notice. that's why she would ask to go to qiqi's house really often. just to not see him in that state. yet they still tried staying sober, but it was harder than it seemed. you all were still helping them.

ayato was trying to keep everyone under strict control, as always, maybe because he was the only person in your friendgroup who never even tried to smoke. he would get easily exhausted but that's why thoma was always there by his side, even though the tension between the two of them was growing by the minute.

and ayaka, well, she was the worst. before, at least her appearance seemed perfect. not anymore. eyebags, dirty hair, the same clothes everyday, failing grades, and smelling like an alcoholic father 24/7. ayato tried comforting her telling her it will be fine, everyone did, but she was brushing the comfort off.

i wanna pee

does anyone want some weed

hu tao
for free?


hu tao
boohoo fuck you

how much

how much what

how much are you selling it for?

im not selling it to you

why the fuck not

i think weed is the last thing you need right now

that's so admirable venti

thanks b

venti hurry up

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