part 16

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"SHE SAID YES!" hu tao and heizou yelled from behind a bush as ayaka and xiao were just too embarrassed for them to say anything.

my girl

my girl
hurry the fuck up

i will die unsmoked because of your lazy ass

you are distracting me stop texting me

my girl

you want me gone

okay i understand

no it's totally fine

can you stfu and stop being dramatic

my girl

lemme think


didn't you understand this from the last two months of dating me

I can still shut you up if I want to

didn't you understand this from the last two months of dating me

my girl
yeah yeah whatever

not everything is about you okay😒


the lunch break just started

calm down jeez

"fucking finally" you said as you saw scaramouche exiting his classroom. "always gotta be late"

"excuse me?" he said while raising a brow. "i think it's the other way around, this is the first time i am taking my time"

"oh shut up, let's go everyone is waiting for us." you said as you took his hand and ran towards the school rooftop.

the last two months you were happily dating scaramouche. and it has a been a really healthy relationship so far. despite you having a hard time moving on from the macson incident and you trying to hide everything to not worry anyone, scaramouche was by your side anytime you needed him. but it was better now, you were healing, slowly but steadily.

"y/n, when will you learn how to not be such a slow ass" albedo said after being the first to notice that you two arrived.

"actually, it was scara's fault" you said proudly that you were not at fault this time.

"that's embarrassing, i could never" kazuha said.

"are you high?" scaramouche asked him but the question was pointless because he understood from the first glance kazuha gave him. "never mind, of course you are"

"just don't tell my mom, please and thank you" kazuha said.

"i never snitched on you?" scaramouche said surprised that this thought actually crossed his mind.

"wait you know his mom?" xiao asked him.

"do I know my aunt? of course I know her" he answered.

"your what now?" venti asked as he joined your group. "oh hello xiao" he said as he kissed his cheek.

"goddamn just date already it's not so hard" hu tao said from beside you and xiao immediately became red.

"what no, date for what, we are just friends. us? never" xiao started defending himself without noticing how venti's smile dropped for a brief second but became normal just as fast.

"yeah, we are just friends, unless..." venti said.

"oh my god that's so gay" ayato said while thoma's head was on his lap and he was playing something on his phone.

"well look who is talking" ayaka said as she just finished her cig.

"if i am gay, you are also gay" he defended himself.

"i am, i literally have a girlfriend." she said.

"okay, your point?" ayato asked with a raised brow, but suddenly he started coughing uncontrollably.

"hey what's wrong?" thoma asked him while patting his back to ease his coughing.

"it's okay, i'm alright, i just inhaled some dry air."

"that didn't sound like dry air to me, you should check with a doctor" heizou said.

"nah it's fine, it's nothing unusual" he reassured him.

"maybe if you sucked dick less-"

"ayaka shut up right now" he said as he shushed her while everyone felt incredibly uncomfortable.

"yeah, i have to go now, i have to meet with someone" you said as you bid everyone goodbye.

"take care" scaramouche said as he kissed your forehead.

"will do" you said and hugged him, then took your leave.

"why did you want us to meet, y/n" mona said as you two were in the same small building you two met the first time when you skipped class with her.

"to give you this" you said as you extended an envelope.

when she opened it she saw the exact same photos macson was blackmailing her with "oh my god, he actually had them" she said as she looked shocked at them.

"yeah, i was too busy until now to give them to you, but you can do whatever you want with them now. and don't worry, these are the only photos, i didn't do any copies" you said but to your surprise, she gave you back the envelope.

"this is your prize, you endured shit because of me, think it as something you will always be able to have in case I do you wrong" she said as you just stared at her confused.

you took the envelope and looked for a couple a seconds at it then took out the lighter from your pocket and lit the envelope and the photos on fire. "i don't hold grudges, mona, these photos have no interest for me"

she looked at you and almost teared up "thank you, y/n, for everything you did to me"

"don't thank me, I didn't do it for you, i did it for me, to redeem myself, to think of me as a better person, you were just the one to help me with that, what i did now is just what anyone with basic human decency would do." you said as you dropped the photos on the floor and let them turn to ashes.

"if i don't hold grudges it doesn't mean i see you as a friend, you did the bare minimum for me to not consider you as someone to take revenge on after what you did to me. have a good life, mona, i hope our paths won't cross again" you said as you exited the small building but was met with childe who was waiting for you.

"let's go, y/n, we have business to do."

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