part 18

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"i love you as well, scara" you said as you genuinely smiled.

"let's play two truths and a lie" childe said as he clasped his hands to which not a lot of people agreed, but you and some others thought it was fun.

you were currently at a party ningguang hosted at her house. better said mansion. the girl was crazy rich.

were you drunk? of course not. you actually planned on being lucid. xiao on the other hand was starting to get red ears because of the alcohol in his system. but luckily for everyone venti was taking care of him.

"okay so i will start, then the person who guesses right will continue. any questions? good, so" childe started without giving the poor people time to process what he just said. "i have 2 younger siblings, my hair is dyed and i am not sober right now"

"you are supposed to make it hard, idiot, it's obviously the second one, you dumb ginger" scaramouche said already disappointed that he chose go take part of this game.

"oh yeahhh, anyway your turn" childe said completely indifferent to what he said.

"fine, uh, i have two moms, i love my girlfriend and I always had short hair"

"you don't have two moms, I mean, you barely have a woman you can call mother." heizou said as everyone dropped silent.

"um, i actually had long hair before, 'i always had short hair was a lie' because my ex therapist and my mom are dating." oh man that was cringe.

"moving on it seems it's my turn." heizou said as he cleared his throat. "so, i am a virgin, i am a boy, and i am alive"

"wait are you a girl?" you said.

"what no?" he replied.

"are you a ghost?" hu tao said weirded out.

"huh what the fuck no" he said even more weirded.

"are you a ... virgin?" ayato said surprised.

"no fucking way you are a virgin." albedo exclaimed.

"i am actually, i never fucked anyone"

"yeah yeah that's why you leave the science class with a new girl every week" ayaka said crossing her legs.

"i mean it is true but i just get my dick sucked-"

"that is way, way too many details." albedo said. "ayato, please continue."

but ayato seemed deep in thought. he even had thoma to catch his attention back because he spaced out. he didn't look ... well.

"oh right, um" he said as he cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "i have a younger sister, my mother is dead" he paused and took a deep breath, as if debating to say what he wanted to or not. "and i have second stage of cancer."

silence, nobody said anything.

nothing but silence.

"haha nice joke bro, now be for real" ayaka laughed nervously.

"i got checked by a doctor this week, the test results came yesterday"

and yet again, everyone fell silent. the world fell silent. your mind fell silent. it felt like an eternity. a long, hard, and silent eternity. until ayaka's sobbing laughter broke the quiet.

"i told you it is not fucking funny, you should note joke about these fucking things ayato you are not hilarious. you hear me? you are so unfunny right now" ayaka laughed while tears threatened to form in her eyes.

"i'm sorry ayaka, but i am dead serious." ayato said with such a stern face that it would be scandalous to say that he was lying.

finally one tear escaped ayaka's eye while everyone started at him just as shocked. "i ... need some fresh air" ayaka said as she stoop up and rushed towards the balcony.

ayato, your friend, your best friend's brother, the man who felt like a father figure to you, was closer to dying than living? that is impossible, right?


why you? it can't be you? such things weren't real. they were just something that happened in movies, or in books. it can't happen to you.


you looked at scaramouche who had his eyebrows furrowed to hide the shock in his eyes. you looked at ayato, who was blinking really fast to prevent him from shedding tears. next to him was thoma, absolutely horrified.

suddenly thoma pulled ayato into a hug. and then it came. the moment that everyone realised. everything was real. thoma quietly sobbing in ayato's shoulder. and ayato just holding his breath to not vocify his cry.

you just stood up. the atmosphere was too ... much for you to handle.

"want one?" you said to ayaka as you extended your pack of cigarettes to her, to which she quietly took one.

"i'm sorry" you said while inhaling the comforting smoke.

"you don't have what to be sorry for" she said as she sniffled. she was defenetly crying until now.

"you don't have to hide it"

"hide what?"

"you can be weak too, you know? you can't except to be there for everyone and then grief in silence"

"i will be okay really, i need to be strong for my brother"

"i understand, but who will dry your eyes when everything falls apart?" and the she broke. she started taking her heart out. the most heart slashing cry to ever exist. and all you could do was hold her.

you stayed like this for about ten minutes. all you did was be there for her. let her know that she wasn't alone. that she could lean for support.

"i have to go and talk to ayato, I can't leave him alone." ayaka said as he hugged you one more time really tight "thank you"

as she entered the house again scaramouche came to you. "do you want me to walk you home" he asked you.

"if you want to" you said not looking at him and stood up. but he pulled you to him and wrapped his hands around you.

"he is gonna be fine. i talked to him and I will ask miko about the best doctors to cure him, but i won't let you grief someone who is still alive." he said as he kissed the top of your head.

and all you could do was wrap your hands around him and let silent tears fall.

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