part 28

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"on to a new chapter" you said and hugged them both.

"i will be fine dad, don't worry" you said as you packed the last of your items in your suitcase.

"i know you will, i am just worried that you will run into some ... complications" he said, hesitating.

"huh, what do you mean by that?"

"you know what, it's nothing, i'm just overthinking"

"is that so? that's very unusual" scaramouche said as he was leaning on your door frame.

"maybe because this is the first time she is leaving the house for such a long time without me and with her mom coming back-" your dad started rambling worryingly.

"dad, i will be fine, i promise" you said and extended your hand for a very brotherly handshake. a thing you two would do instead of hugging.

"who am i kidding, of course you will. now go, ms. ei must be waiting for you" and with that you hurried downstairs to be met with ei who volunteered to take you, scaramouche, hu tao and ayaka to the airport.

after picking up your two friends, you arrived at the airport, and you four were the last ones to arrive because everyone was already there.

"y/n, my bestest friend has arrived!" childe enthusiastucally cheered as he ran towards you to embrace you in the biggest hug ever.

"go away, you are embarrassing us" you were suddenly pulled away by scaramouche.

"when two are fighting the third one wins!" venti said while sticking his tongue out and taking you by his side.

"what a nuisance" xiao said while shaking his head.

"are you perhaps jealous?" albedo nudged his side.

"hah, as if" xiao scoffed and turned away.

"we should start with our check ins, we don't want to be late" thoma said and went to ayaka's side, because she was still having somehow a hard time, but you were happy she had this kind of support with her.

"oh my god, what a cute-" heizou started but was rudely interrupted.

"OH MY GOD! what a cute breathing being of the female sex!" childe said, specifically weirded everyone out, including the poor girl.

"are you fucking for real? how many negative neurons do you need to have to say such god awful thing"

"you are just jealous of my intergalactic gigantic w rizz. see? the girl was left speechless" childe said proudly but you all just were praying to anything you could pray that he would shut up.

you all went through your check ins successfully, and after doing all the security stuff you were waiting for the gate to open so you could board on the plane.

"oh sweet mother of jesus, that boy is so-" hu tao tried speaking her mind, but suffered the same fate as heizou.

"GAHWD DAYUMN, what a fine little lad!" childe embarrassed your group once again, but this time got his head heavily smacked by hu tao.

"CAN YOU FUCKING PICK A SIDE?! you can't just scare everyone away with your ugly face AND your hell given personality"

"how dare you call me ugly?! kazuha, tell her she is wrong" childe turned to kazuha, who was currently reading a book, in search for some kind of support.

"i'm sorry, but i don't want to partake in this kind of childish bickering" he said, not even taking his eyes off his book.

"you traitor!" childe overdramatically gasped. "y/n, you are my last hope" he turned to you.

"i'm sorry, i'm sleeping" and with that you put your head on your boyfriend's lap.

"NOOO, WAKE UP!" he said rushing towards you.

"dare you wake her up" scaramouche said glaring at him.

"but two seconds ago she wasn't-"

"you have one and only chance" he said putting his hand in your hair in a somehow protective manner.

"fine, fine, ayaka please, tell them i'm not ugly!" and with that he left you to annoy someone else.

"are you using him as an excuse so you can sleep on my lap?" scaramouche said, obviously knowing that you aren't sleeping.

"mm, yes and no, these days have been really tiring"

"your fault for not getting enough sleep" he said scrolling through his phone while combing your hair with his fingers.

"your fault for not letting me"

"your fault for being so horny that I had to-" he wanted to continue but you shushed him immediately.

"you can't talk so openly about such things, we are in public!" you said alarmed that someone might hear you.

"you think if we are in public i can't do this?" he said and his facial expression changed.

he took your hand which you used to shut him up to get you up from his lap, and then he kissed you in front of all your friends. hell in front of the whole airport. at first you were shocked and uncomfortable, but then slowly melted in his touch.

"ahem. the gate has opened" albedo said, while trying to not really get between you two but still enough to let you know that you had to stop.

"right, haha i'm sorry about that" you apologized to the group while sheepishly smiling.

"i'm not" scaramouche said as he raised one of his hands.

"shut up"

you made your way in the line and you all were patiently waiting for your turn. you were so exited about the vacation that nothing could ruin your mood. but a bitchy woman just HAD to get in front of you in the line.

"excuse me ma'am, but you can't just make your way in front without following the queue" you said and the woman turned around, and to your surprise you were met with a face you were the least expecting.

"so this is the complications your dad was talking about, huh" scaramouche said while staying next to you to be able to handle the situation if it got out of hand.

"mom?!" you exclaimed a little too loud for your liking.

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