Turbulent Feelings

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(9:00 P.M.: Mary Jane's Apartment Building)

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Peter screamed in his head over and over, heart thundering in his chest and mind racing. Stepping out of the elevator, Mary Jane gently grabbed his hand and lead him towards her apartment. "Is this really happening!? This can't be real! I'm just dreaming, yeah this all a dream!" Briefly letting go of his hand, Mary Jane pulled out her keys and opened the door to her apartment. Then out of nowhere, Mary Jane grabbed Peter by his shirt and yanked him through the doorway. In an instant, the door was slammed shut and Peter felt his back slammed against it, Mary Jane's lips roughly and passionately pressing against his own. "aHOLY SHIT THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!?"

Peter had kissed Mary Jane before, but nothing this intense. This kiss was filled with months of pent up lust and yearning. Not wanting to let Mary Jane take full control, Peter cupped her face and returned the kiss with just as much fiery passion. Making the next move, Peter snaked his tongue into Mary Jane's mouth, causing a moan to rumble in her throat. Their tongues danced together, both of them fighting for dominance. Peter felt Mary Jane's fingers running through his hair as she tried to deepen their kiss. Wrapping an arm around Mary Jane's waist, Peter pulled her close, her ample breasts pressing against his chest. Their intense liplock continued for another minute before they finally separated, both of them panting heavily. Peter locked eyes with Mary Jane, seeing the desire and lust clouding them.

"Bedroom. Now." Mary Jane ordered as she stepped aside and pointed towards her room. "I can't wait any longer, tiger."

"O-Okay..." Peter stuttered out, practically sprinting towards MJ's room, with the sultry redhead only a few steps behind him. After walking into the bedroom, Peter could feel his nerves starting to get the better of him. He wanted nothing more than to cross that line with Mary Jane, he couldn't think of anyone better to have his first time with. But for some reason, an inkling of self-doubt was bubbling in the pit of his stomach. What if it was too soon? What if he messed up somehow? What if he wasn't good enough? All of these questions raced through Peter's mind as he stared at MJ's bed. Needing a minute to collect himself, Peter looked for a way to get some privacy. "U-Uh MJ, could I use your bathroom for a second?"

"Sure thing, tiger." Mary Jane said with a smirk as she teasingly traced a finger along Peter's jawline, causing a pleasurable shiver to run down his spine. "That'll give me time to slip into something more comfortable. Just...don't keep me waiting too long."

"S-Sure thing!" Peter awkwardly exclaimed, before dashing into MJ's bathroom and shutting the door behind him. Taking a deep breath, Peter walked towards the sink and turned on the water. Looking at himself in the mirror, Peter could see that he was sweating profusely and that his hands were shaking slightly. Peter had faced down countless villains without any fear or hesitation, but the thought of ruining his relationship with MJ or possibly disappointing her, now that truly scared him. Tightly gripping the countertop, Peter leaned forward and looked at his own reflection. "Okay Peter, calm the hell down. You've been dreaming about this day for years, you can't let MJ down." After splashing some water on his face, Peter stared at his reflection once again. "You've got this Peter, you're Spider-Man for god's sake."

Turning the water off and drying his face, Peter gripped the doorknob and took another deep breath. When Peter pulled the door open, he was not prepared for what was waiting for him. Lying on the bed was Mary Jane, dressed in only black lingerie, so thin that it was practically see-through. The sexy redhead was lying on her side, a sultry smile on her face and flowing hair strewn about on the bed behind her. Peter couldn't stop himself from ogling Mary Jane's stunning body. Her delicious curves and ample breasts causing blood to flow into his lower half.

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