Multi-Dimensional Problems

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(Avenger Tower: Helipad)

"Natasha, where's our spider-person's location?" Peter asked, adjusting his web-shooters as he stood on the edge of the tower's helipad. "We're ready to go."

"They're a half-click to the south and moving fast. You guys should get moving fast, the police are gaining on them."

"Alright, let's do this!" Peter exclaimed as he turned to face Gwen and Cindy, both girls standing a few feet behind him. "Karen, can you send a feed to my HUD?"

"Already on it, Peter."

"Great job, Karen..." Peter said, pausing for a moment when he saw a new notification pop up on his HUD, displaying a live feed of their mystery spider-person's location. "Just got it! You girls ready to go?"

"Definitely..." Gwen said with a smirk before she slipped on her mask and stepped toward Peter. "If this person is in a similar situation to Miguel and me, we have to help them!"

"U-Uh...I...I don't know about this guys..." Cindy stuttered, inching closer to the end of the helipad and glancing over the edge. As Cindy stared at the ground below, her vision began to unfocus and her stomach lurched. With a frightened yelp, Cindy leaped back, her heart thundering. "I know I was all gung-ho a minute ago...but...I didn't think we'd be this high..."

"Cindy...are you scared of heights?" Gwen asked in an amused tone as she did her best not to giggle. "You've got to be kidding me?"

"I mean...I'm usually fine with heights..." Cindy said, wincing slightly as she was hit by a strong gust of wind. "But...this is nuts!" Turning her head, Cindy glanced back towards the elevator. "How about I go down to ground level, then catch up with you two?"

"We don't have time for that..." Gwen said in a mildly annoyed tone as he rested her hands on her hips. "We don't have time for that, we need to go now!"

"Okay, okay!" Cindy said, taking a deep breath to calm herself. "Peter, were you scared when you first did anything like this?"

"Fucking petrified." Peter replied as he smiled underneath his mask, remembering his miserable first attempts at web-slinging. "I've faceplanted and chickened out more times than I'd like to admit."

"How did you overcome this fear?" Cindy asked, tightly balling her fists in an attempt to stop her hands from trembling. "My whole body is shaking right now and my stomach feels like it's floating."

"I mean...I didn't really do anything special." Peter said as he rubbed the back of his head. "I heard scream out for help...and my body just kind of moved on its own." Shrugging his shoulders, Peter moved to the edge of the helipad. "I just trusted in myself and..." With a quick salute, Peter leaped off the helipad. "TOOK A LEAP OF FAITH!"

"Uh..." Gwen muttered awkwardly, staring at Cindy for a moment before she whipped around and dove after Peter. "WHAT HE SAID!"

"That helped..." Cindy said as she released a heavy sigh, slowly making her towards the edge of the helipad. Leaning out, Cindy looked below and saw Peter and Gwen speeding towards the ground. Then, about twenty feet above the street, both of them fired out a line of webbing, skimming right over a line of cars stuck in traffic. As Cindy watched Peter and Gwen get farther away, she clenched and unclenched her fists several times. "It's a leap of faith...I'll never get over this fear unless I face it head-on." Taking a deep breath, Cindy turned her back towards the edge, so that she wouldn't be looking straight down. Holding her arms out wide and closing her eyes, Cindy squashed down her fears and fell backward off the helipad. Cindy felt the air whipping her face as she plummeted towards the ground below. Finally opening eyes, Cindy was shocked to see that she was already closing in on street level. "HOLY SHIT!"

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