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Stilinski and his deputies - Amy included - go to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital and Stilinski approaches Melissa and Raphael at the main nurse's station.

"Hey. He is not coming in," Stilinski demands and he points a finger at Raphael.

"This is the only hospital that will take him," Raphael says.

"What about County?" The sheriff asks.

"You'd be surprised how fast things fill up when a guy like this needs surgery," Raphael remarks.

"They turfed him to us?" Melissa asks in disbelief.

"Yeah," Raphael replies.

Raphael is not to pleased to know Melissa is moving on. She told him when she realized he was staying in Beacon Hills that she's talking to someone, which she really is, but she won't say who... not until she knows it's going to last, that it's going to be serious.

"If County doesn't want to operate on him..."

"Then someone has to," Raphael interrupts the sheriff.

They watch as some cops walk in and a gurney with a killer coming in behind them, a killer named William Barrow. The killer being operated on here at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital killed a bus full of teenagers. Barrow is strapped down, restrained, to the gurney he's on to keep him from attacking the people around him as he's transported.

"Somebody needs to do his pre-op interview," Melissa says as they watch them pass.

"Who usually does that?" Raphael asks.

Melissa sighs. "Me."

Barrow is gone. In surgery, the tumor in his stomach busted and flies came flying out and a doctor ran out of the OR. The cops had went in and found Melissa applying pressure to the surgeon that Barrow stabbed badly with the scalpel.

"Ready for your first big case here, Amy?" Stilinski asks her.

"Don't tease me, Sheriff," Amy replies. "I'm always ready."

The ambulance Barrow stole was spotted three blocks from the school so the cops and FBI agents all hurry out. Raphael can't believe Amy grew up to become a cop. He knows he screwed up and isn't her father but he's glad she's got her dad.

They go to the school and Stiles is talking to her dad. The agents are lead down to the boiler room and Stiles explains it to Lydia, Isaac, and Allison. The police check the school and clear the building so they start to leave.

"Dad! Dad! Amy! Amy!" Stiles calls as he chases after the two.

"Yeah?" Stilinski asks as his son catches up.

"You can't leave yet," Stiles declares.

"We got an eyewitness puts Barrow by the train station," Stilinski says to his son as they all stop walking.

"Let's go, Stilinski, Emery," Raphael says hurriedly.

"Go on," Stilinski says to Amy.

Amy nods and she jogs and goes to her cruiser.

Amy goes home and she sees Derek panting and giving Peter a look.

"Do I wanna know?" Amy asks.

"He saw Talia," Peter replies and shows her Talia's claws. "And with the way he looked at me just now, I wonder what she said about me."

"You probably don't want to know," Amy says.

They all look up when they hear a scream, the scream of a banshee. It's a high-pitch shrieking.

"Lydia," Amy murmurs.

Derek looks at the hybrid alpha he loves and she looks at the beta werewolf she loves. Peter looks between the two.

Goddess Wolf (D. Hale) Where stories live. Discover now