A Desolate Life: Part 1

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(Context: Following on from unfortunately Cannon WALL-E events, AUTO transfers into his Prototype form, which is based off his original more humanoid body from early drafts of the film. Except he has legs, because I want to give him legs :3

GO-4 is also referred to as 4 for shorthand because I am Lazy

I write fics for my own twisted enjoyment, not to be criticised upon)

All navigation systems were down, communications were entirely severed. There wasn't any responsive connection to his body or the internal ship controls. No spark or glimmer of life was reachable, and for convenience's sake, he might as well be dead.

AUTO was completely incapacitated. The power had been routed away from his control; therefore he wouldn't be able to do any transfers or any corrections to internal damage of the ship. Not that it mattered anymore, they were going to go back to earth, they were going to die. Why try or plan anything if he couldn't control the ship, why have determination in a time like this? His standard wheel form may have been his best chance at correcting the wrongs of the senile captain and his faithful stowaway- but he had no way of getting past the Manual override, even when the dregs of power were redirected to the command deck. AUTO was stuck as a background entity behind servers and ship processors, until they landed or catastrophically crashed.

-Conscious transfer: Complete

-Memory status: Sufficient

-Mobility: Online

AUTO fell face forward onto the ground from a wall port, not knowing if he'd been severed at the support or yanked from the ceiling. However, upon closer investigation through his reactivated optics - he appeared to be in a storage room of sorts. He lay with his flat face flush against the grey glossy floor, his body, yes- his torso, joining him. No other bot seemed to be with him, this room was just for storing things that didn't matter anymore. He sure felt like he didn't matter anymore, but he had a chance now in this body. It was new, yet it was older than his other form. The body resembled a model based off the Extra-terrestrial vegetation evaluator Units, except he was more angular and sleeker. It wasn't really AUTO's thing, legs and arms and neck and all- but it could give him a second chance.

His arms popped out from their magnetic seals and hovered just under his now defined shoulders and outwards from his sides. AUTO tried to move himself upwards, flailing his arms up and down trying to get some grip. Smooth metal on smooth flooring wasn't very frictional. It took him a few seconds before realising he hadn't deployed his hand yet; he was scrambling to get up using a nub. Like his arm, AUTO's hands disconnected themselves from the larger mass and hovered just beyond the now invisible joints. With fingers and a functioning wrist, he propped himself up to a plank. The rest of the room silently judged him.

The Boxes of white and grey accents, the walls of such height, they looked down on him. He couldn't even stand. He couldn't even be the Autopilot now. His long head fell, it's connection to his torso giving in slightly. What a failure. As AUTOs head hung in disappointment and shame, he could see the parts of his new body he hadn't try to move yet. He had arms of sorts prior, but legs, legs were new. With a confused twitch, he tried whatever to activate the part of his digital nerves that controlled his legs, they disconnected from each other and slid to the side, falling limp in their magnetic sockets. How pathetic. AUTO had to get up, he'd sulk once he'd seen out the small port window of the storage room. His legs had separated into 2 sections, creating a knee in both limbs. He scrambled to get them to a kneel then hoisted himself up using a nearby box, he stood quaking like a new-born giraffe. All legs, all body, no control. AUTO held himself up, his magnetic limbs eventually carrying the weight of himself upright, he pulled away, they prevented him from falling over. Ok, he was standing now. That's a first. Well there's a first for everything, a first for standing, a first for failure, that sort of thing. Quickly, his mind rattled away as to how he'd failed so poorly after so long, everything would have been fine if that filthy waste unit died when he was supposed to. Weren't they meant to be deactivated anyway?

There was no point on trying to change the past, and so he tried walking. He didn't need to walk fully, those magnetic limbs helped him hover slightly, but the momentum of moving his limbs helped him glide away slightly from the box. At least he was more graceful than those ignorant humans. Yes, ignorant, as they always were. He didn't hate earth, no-no, he hated the ignorance that led them to space. And now, the ignorance that led them back.

AUTO glided over to the window and outstretching his head to look at it, his hands helped to bring him closer to the murky glass. It was similar to extending his support beam, except it didn't extend much and it was far thicker. He poked out of the window, bringing his shorter visor up far enough to see out. They were in a city, not too far from the large metropolis of New York. Brown and beige dust encapsulated the unsettling air, there had been a sandstorm recently. Skyscrapers of untouched trash were neighbours to derelict buildings and towers. Auto wondered what the squirming humans were going to do now? The trash was still here, the skies were still heavy with particulates of death- didn't the captain see the video, it was wasteland! Of course he saw the video, AUTO was there.

He made instantly made peace with the fact that Humanity was dead. AUTO continued to look down at the earth, the ship had been docked for some time, yet it was still day. He quickly calculated what time it would be when they arrived on the planet, it would have been midday, yet it seemed like morning from the position of the sun. It must have taken all night for him to get enough energy to this body to charge it and transfer himself over to it. The humans would be long gone. Good! They obviously care not for his opinions or knowledge; he would manage without them.

AUTO pulled back slightly and saw himself in the window for the first time. No longer did his signature red eye glow, there was no more wheel, no more restrictions. In fact, he'd been so distracted by limbs he'd completely ignored the colourful portrayal of the world in front of him. Everything was tainted red before, now it was clear, with a much less complex HUD accompany it. His face was certainly more intricate, less intimidating. His visor reflected that of the common robots with 'facial features' on the ship. Two glowing 'eyes' were reflected back to him, they were calm, just content, but had a weariness to them. He was tired. He was so, so tired. His visor had an overhang which travelled a little forward, before levelling out into a flat top. With his magnetic hand, he drew his fingers across the right edge of his head. It created a deeper overhang into the back of his neck, this was his body now.

AUTO pulled back from the window, nothing about him mattered anymore, why should this new body matter either? He felt like a ghost, if robots could have ghosts, travelling with no purpose across a dead floor. The door to the room had been opened, from his background control, he ordered the computer to do so alongside the transfer. Those would be his last commands. Although he worthless, he still had to see if any bot wasn't gullible enough to follow the humans and cared about AUTO's authority. In his eyes, he had committed a fairly indecent act. However there was no captain on the ship, the humans abandoned the ship. How ironic. In his dismay, AUTO knew there would be one bot who would trust him, but he feared salvaging such a disseminated corpse. He could have landed in the pool, which could be fatal if he didn't get out in time, or he could have hit the deck floor, in which case his internals might be salvageable. That was his first mission now as a lone and abandoned leader, he needed GO-4.

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