A Desolate Life: Part 10

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(wow, I say I'll update the story and then actually update it the next day? Its a miracle!) 

The van door shuddered open with less elegance than before, it concerned AUTO, but not enough to stop him from pushing harder. Their beloved front door fell forward a little, the two pearlescent bots caught it before it made another puff of Ash around them. However, their landscape had changed rather drastically since they last viewed it. The silver dust across the city had fallen still, laying in misty piles across the ground. In the air, few particles flew past, with a grey sky above - bright and inviting. AUTO turned to his smaller partner; he conveyed nonchalant surprise.

"It is safe now..."

GO-4 hovered down to the ashy ground below, AUTO followed after mounting the door back onto the van. It was surreal, the orange haze above now traded for a cloudy day. Though AUTO knew it wasn't anything natural per se, but the Ash in the atmosphere blocking out the sun. For the first moment since he'd awoke, he checked his HUDs clock.

"We were asleep for 2 months..."

'Excellent sir! The humans will surely be dead by now'

AUTO stared out into the distant street, once bustling with human consumers. The fog laid wearily across the hell scape.

"no... They will be taking refuge somewhere... The ship perhaps"

GO-4 bobbed alongside his superior as they began to head on with their journey into the misty land.

'it's not like they can leave without you sir, they're sitting ducks!'

"I do not doubt their capabilities, however I ensured that the internal computer systems will not function without me... It was necessary"

'Well... Fuck them, they're on their own'

AUTO gave a questioning nod, not knowing whether to reprimand his beloved little 4 for his vulgar language or to cheer him on. Instead he just hovered on past the piles of dust, they swished gently as the two bots glided forward.

Before shutting his body down, AUTO began planning what they'd need to do now to make their life post-eruption efficient. They needed more batteries for a start, and more things to fuel the generator too. No solar panels would save them now, and certainly not when the dust storms arrived in the summer season. AUTOs plan consisted of searching a prestigious high rise residential building. See, the past inhabitants of these apartments and penthouses would be guaranteed a ticket on a BnL starliners. Yet they would still have a backup of supplies hidden in their building in case something happened like a large-scale riot on their doorstep. Although he hadn't been there to witness it or experience the direct fallout, AUTO recalled how other's spoke of it.


"People- am I right?"

Reardon scoffed out the bridge's window, staring down at the derelict city around them. A few plumes of smoke still danced into the sky between the buildings of dusty steel.

"They just can't wait one goddamm year to get their own ship - gotta' protest about the rich being treated better than them, hmm... I wonder why..."

AUTO slowly glided to the right of Reardon, not too close as to startle him, the two of them were new to each other's presence.

" I get they want don't want to die here, but making a scene about it? Tck, might as well leave em"

"Sir, if I may-"

Reardon turned to him slowly, a look of distaste grew upon his face. It was all smiles in promotional videos, but in reality, he hated 'that damm wheel'.

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