A Desolate Life: Part 14

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As per any other day, the two bots awoke on top of their shitty little futon bed and gave a quick look over to the concealed window screen. It was always a fear of AUTO's that the window would collapse under some harsh post-apocalyptic weather and crush GO-4, but it hadn't happened yet. Thus they simulated an internal sigh of relief and found themselves relaxing in the mornings ambience.

'Restricted movement - restricted movement -'

Alas, the 2 bots had become 3. From behind the bed and in the first murky van, sounds of strenuous thuds could be heard. As if a wall had fallen, gained sentience, and was scrambling to move.

'Mobility compromised - mobility failure'

GO-4 raised from the sheets and batted them away, hovering over to the edge of the car seat bed and hopping off. AUTO hid his head under the duvet and pretended that it was just the two of them.

'Mobility com-'

'Yes! We know!'

4 hissed at the Sec-T unit who lay on the floor shuddering. The small tic-tac bot extended his little grabbers under the left side of the Sec-T and attempted to lift them. Of course, it failed.

'AUTO! Your assistance is required!'

The disgruntled bot arose from his pit and met the other two bots with utmost displeasure. Meanwhile 4 still actively tried to pry the slab not off the vans floor.

"This is not going to work out... Long-term..."

'Sir, help please-'

He begrudgingly offered a single helping hand.

"We need an upright area for the unit, the floor is inconvenient"

'I can see that sir, perhaps we can get the unit up and out of the van if you helped with *both* hands'

"That would be efficient"

AUTO, much to 4's delight, slipped both of his detached set of digits under the bot and slowly heaved them up to a 40-degree angle.

"Open the door"

4 complied promptly, using all his little strength to reveal the dusty outside world. Slowly it was beginning to revert back to trash and dust, with not so much ash. The speed at which this happened was surprising, as there has been no precipitation in a very, very long time to dissolve it quickly. In no time at all, 4 had opened the door and returned to AUTO where he now put his nubs against the back of the unit. The two mobile bots pushed the not forward and towards the door, slipping the Sec-T out of the van and onto the ground outside with a light thud. AUTO made sure to stabilise the bot before fully letting go.

"There... You are now stable"

'Mobility stabilised - mobility active'

'Good! Now we can relax'

'Battery low - battery l-'

AUTO clamped his hands over his coves face in distain.

"We will charge you..."

'Yes, don't worry we have plenty stored up for you!... Right sir?'

His superior was very clearly stressed, strained, and mentally drained. His subordinate angled himself up at him in concern.

'Sir? Are you ok?'

"This... Was unforeseen..."

'You aren't jealous, are you?'

He snapped his hands away from his face and held them firmly at his sides.

"Why assume such?"

GO-4 backed away, sensing a tension that neither confirmed nor denied his question.

'Sorry sir- I'm just trying to help and understand-'

"I do not require pity..."

The little red capped bot lowered himself to the ground in a reclusive manner. AUTO was unphased by his seemingly disturbed partner. By now the Sec-T had scooted forward and turned to face the 2 robots who stood rigidly inside the van. It didn't take much longer for them to realise their audience.

4 turned to the Sec-T and hopped down to their side, the bot turned to face 4 rather happily.

'I'll get a battery and cord to fit your port, then we can get to work'

At that moment AUTO didn't feel jealous, but he certainly felt ignored. There was no compliant response from 4, no 'sir' or indication of greater acknowledgement. It was just AUTO, witnessing 4 passing by him, grab some charging gear and return to his own subordinate. This, this wasn't jealousy, this was fear.

After some gentle fiddling, GO-4 had managed to attach the charging cable to the Sec-T and then to one of their ancient battery packs. AUTO on the other hand made the bed neatly and sat on the outer van's ledge with his head in his hands. 4 paid very little attention to this gesture of disapproval. Once the boy was docked up and charging 4 nonchalantly positioned himself in front of his superior.

'What do you want to do now?'

"... Plan..."

'Yes, plan what?'

"To acquire the aquarium pump"

'Ok, we can use the Sec-T to haul it with us, we know roughly where it is, then what?'

AUTO stared out of the car dump, across the street and down towards the musky area of which the ship roughly was. The humans wouldn't be too far away from there.

"Then we begin our assault... Our secret assault"

4 bobbed nervously.

' Assault?'

"We flood the subway systems therefore they will have nowhere to hide... It will take a few months, but once they are eliminated..."

'we're flooding them out of their homes, but we aren't killing them, right?'

AUTO shook his head.

"I do not intend to... There is too many of them, too few of us..."

'I'm sure that will change - Sec-T-485, do you know where your counterparts are?'

The rectangular bot shook their body in disagreement.

"I am unsure if we require further assistance currently..."

'them what, we flood them, make them homeless and?...'

"Then leave them... They desired earth, they can have earth... We will prioritise the ship...our ship..."

4 angled himself to the ground slightly, thinking over what had been revealed to him. The plan seemed good enough, not as solid as GO-4 expected, but it was a plan, nonetheless. After a few more seconds of prompt processing, 4's siren light lit up momentarily in glee.

'I understand sir! But... Wouldn't flushing them out leave them searching for accommodation - like the ship?'

"Hopefully not... I wish to flush them out at the same time we leave... Out of spite"

'Ah yes, spite! It's a great thing- ok I'm on board!'

"you'll have to be... If not"

'I know I know-'

4 turned and casually wandered off to the side of the van.

'-we'll get divorced or something'


'Nothing sir, just keep plotting'

AUTO was beginning to wonder if 4 was taking his plans seriously, and or if he saw him as his decrepit wife. Either way, he wasn't too pleased. He turned to the Sec-T, who now waited for AUTO's further input.

"Once you have charged, we will take the pump"

The bots screen changed from blue to a green thumbs up sign. That was enough confirmation AUTO needed, surely his plan would work out - one way or another.

(Man wtf I'm on the bus rn and a GO-4 coloured van passed me by wtf dawg nah)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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