A Desolate Life: Part 8

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'Sir! Sir! Look'

4 opened the front van's door to a more chilling scene than last night's. AUTO could feel the cold air replacing his internal cooling abilities as a freezing gust travelled through their scrappy home. Outside, the usually orange and grey scenery was darker than usual, with flakes of glittering material falling from the sky.

'Is it snow Sir?'

AUTO hesitated, hovering over to the door and peering out with his head. The cityscape was dusty and thick with smoggy air particles. The ice caps melted long ago and we're yet to recover- this wasn't snow.

"No, Ash... there has been an eruption"

AUTO closed the door and headed to the 2nd of 3 vans, he pulled out a tarp and some blankets.

"Secure the windows"

4 bobbed a nod, took a blanket securing the windows with urgency, in case any dust was to settle on their electronics or even themselves when they slept.

"We will need to evaluate its severity-"

AUTO helped 4 put the tarp over the window, plunging the room into greater darkness.

"... I will locate its source later"

Realistically, AUTO had an idea that the eruption could have steamed from any volcano off the west or east coast of the Americas. However he had a feeling it came from a local site, either way it wouldn't surprise him.

'Of course Sir'

Their batteries would need to charge using their solar panels, so before 4 could jump on the holopad to work on other things, AUTO stepped in front of him. GO-4 fell to the floor in surprise, it had been a while since he'd felt intimidated.

"The panels are compromised; all power is essential for ourselves"

4 pulled back, taking in his past superiors, now close friend beyond friend's, words. Without power, they'd be dead.

'Sorry Sir...'

AUTO gazed at the closed van door, He hadn't planned for this to be an option, but he approached it like any other weather disturbance.

"We will wait until it calms, then we can clean the panels"

4 hovered off to the bed and hunkered down, assuming that they'd probably go back to sleep for the next few days. AUTO soon followed.

"Our plans will be postponed..."

The small white bot rolled over in bed with a sigh, AUTO comforted him with his segmented hands. It meant a lot to 4 to keep up his work, to give him purpose. To AUTO, it was all pretend, they didn't really have a bigger plan anymore and doing chores like surveillance and cleaning kept GO-4's mind in top shape. AUTO was sad about his situation no matter what, but 4 made it better. Though, seeing him miserable and purposeless made his desperation worse. As they got comfy under blankets to maintain their warmth, AUTO took a long look down at himself. He had changed...

"This was not foreseen"

He huddled closer to him letting his body fall to the futon bedding.


The bot remained silent


He thrashed the blanket off of him, then turned properly to face AUTO.

'Sorry Sir, I feel sad'

"...I feel similar"

They sat like that for a while, not falling asleep, contemplating hidden thoughts. When prompted, they spilled from AUTO way too easily. He'd became soft.

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