A Desolate Life: Part 13

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AUTO carefully approached the smaller bot, readying his inbuilt blaster for fire. Although he couldn't see it, AUTO could tell 4 was preparing his own ranged weapon. The two glided forward in a cautious yet uniform manner. AUTO floated with his non blaster hand outstretched behind 4, ready to yank him away at any moment so he wouldn't get hurt. They may have had their moments together, but nothing could deny their dedication towards each other.

With a scathing sense of fear, they left the tunnel. 4 knew it came from the right side of the tunnel, which lead out into a larger room with a few big tank displays. In between the faux tanks were fake rock coral walls, and without any lights, they were essentially blind. AUTO decided to use his comms once again, now wasn't the time to give themselves away.

'Your night vision is broken; I couldn't repair it'

'This is when you choose to tell me sir?'

'However my vision is still intact... Fire your weapon in the direction I tell you to... Only if I tell you to'

'Yes sir!'

They creeped forward, making little sound in the large room with tall ceilings. The two bots were startled into the air once more as they heard a little scoot from somewhere in front of them. At least floating would allow them to be silent across the still polished granite floor, whomever was in the darkness wasn't as lucky.

'I'm activating my night vision'

Within a few seconds AUTOs vision lit up with a blueish green tint, illuminating the dark room in front of him in a grainy manner. Back in his old form, there wouldn't have been any shift from the red world he always viewed, however it would always adjust without activation. He did find it slightly nerve racking to have to wait until his vision fully adjusted, however it soon levelled out and revealed the room in front of him.

There was another few rows of tanks, and some seats that run along the middle of the room. If someone was hiding in there, they wouldn't be hidden for long. AUTO gave the signal to slowly glide forward and 4 began to do just that. Each time they'd move forwards a few feet AUTO would give the room a scrutinising glare. It didn't appear to be a human that was hiding in here - which was somewhat reassuring.

'Sir, they may be a small bot - we need to watch out for the seats'

AUTO gave a nod, then realised 4 wouldn't have seen it. Still, he continued on, ready to pounce on anything that appeared under the seating. Fortunately nothing did, and as they reached the end of the room and into another corridor they wondered if the snooping bot or human had already escaped from them.

'Dammit, we've lost them sir! '

'... It appears so... Keep your weapon loaded, just in case'

The two stopped their pursuit and turned back to face each other, still in edge. AUTO gave another quick glance around the room behind them then back at 4.

'We should back track, once the area has been cleared we can return for the filter pumps'

'I think that's a good idea - they could still be spying on us'

The two bots began to glide casually along the corridor, their weapons more relaxed but still at the ready. The corridor was of the same width as the tunnel they'd been I previously, however much taller with murals of white corals and fish. Which was odd, but obviously an oversight by the ignorant humans - healthy corals are not ghostly white and wouldn't be teaming with fish if they were. AUTO lightly shook his head as he continued to look at the murals of more smiling fish.

'What are you looking at sir?'

'Nothing interesting... More disturbing depictions of fish'

4 didn't bother to glance at them, he was too focused to distract himself by the art around me. AUTO, having slipped from his old ways, was still infatuated by the fugly fishes. He passed by a cheerful Eel, a smiling starfish, then a school of dishevelled clownfish and then there was another break of white coral followed by a black screen. Probably another one of those faux tanks, nothing new for this sham of an aquarium.

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